
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Friday, December 16, 2005

the invasion of Canada

Episode #8

zen and the art of the slapshot

Williams Lake is a generous town filled with colorful people and even more exciting scenery. I woke up to a view of the valley floor filled with fog. It looked like the largest serving of mashed potatoes and it they were thick and tasty.

Brett and I would spend the rest of the day sightseeing in Williams Lake, which is to say that we went out for lunch and then went to a loonie store for some Christmas shopping. I realize that it might be a pretty cheap gesture to by gifts at a loonie store(loonie=$ .87) but isn't Christmas supposed to be about giving and not supposed to be measured on how much is spent on the those gifts? I guess it will only make it worse to say that I decided NOT to buy any gifts this year after not finding anything to buy at the loonie store. I just can't do it. Christmas is a great idea and I just heard that back in the States that "Christmas" has come under fire. Again, America proving that its the world leader in absolute wastes of time. I just don't have the mental strength to think about it and I have just as much strength when it comes to purchasing gifts to show my... my... what is this holiday all about again?

The show goes well. It's packed and the people that can hear it, love it. Brett and I spend the rest of the evening trying to defend some of our material and give up and call it a night. The next morning the mashed potatoes are back. We get a late start to our five hour drive but the knowledge that Kelowna is at the other end of haul makes it easier to pass the hours. We continue to see large puddles of mashed potatoes as we pass through various mountain valleys and the setting sun sets a light yellow hue to the potatoes giving the appearance of melted butter. I have never wanted to eat mashed potatoes as badly as I do right now.

During the drive, Brett and I compare comedy notes about each other's act and we break down to the best our abilities, the pros and cons of what we saw in each other while we were on stage. His assessment of my show is dead on and I realize that I really need to work on some things, most notably - hair. I need some serious shaggy do attention. This is just getting ridiculous. I look like I have lived in the mountains for years without a mirror.

My assessment of Brett's show is harder because I know that his future is bigger than mine, but he just doesn't see it yet. I don't want to say the wrong thing and screw up his future. He is the future of Canada comedy but he just can't get over his rage on stage. It's a common theme in most "thinker" comics. Marcus has this too. Its a tick that comics with brains have that allows them to overthink a member of the audience that is disruptive, obvious or loud, and they assail them with a wave of degradation. This is common with all comics but thinker comics keep going well after the point is made. It makes the rest of the audience detach and this makes the thinker comic dig deeper into their mind for harder comments to hurl. But this time, it's at everyone and everything. This is so common that most thinker comics never see the success that the brainless comics do. It's hard to work a comic that is prone to destroy a crowd when things don't go perfectly. With Brett, it's hard to show him what this is as he is not big on giving an inch on these kinds of issues. Nor are any thinker comics, but in Brett's case, this can send him spiraling down into a deep pit of self doubt which can make it harder for him to find the promise land.

Comedy and valleys full of mashed potatoes. Nature has a sense of humor and we are too busy trying to figure out how to perfect subjectivism in comedy to take the time to laugh at it. Who are we fooling.