
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Friday, December 09, 2005

the invasion of Canada

Episode #5

degrees of daniel and the door

Birthdays come... and birthdays go. Each year you learn something new about yourself and this year that lesson is, "literal translation". I think I have always been this way, but it took the past 48 hours to finally make me see just how severe my level of literal translation really is. I take everything literally. I hear something and I take it on face value. I miss out on jokes and other tongue in cheek moments all the time. I can't help it, it's just me, but in the past 48 hours I have learned quite a bit about how literal translation could be the source of all my problems. ....and a lot about the BDSM scene that exists here in Calgary.

I shall not use names to protect those involved...

Dec. 7th, 10 PM. After show meet and great and things are rolling fine. I am not feeling daffy but I'm not looking all that hard. Two very attractive women, A and B, come up to me and talk rather suggestively for a bit and then head out the door. Next to me is Man C. He sees the women and says something to the effect of, "Hook me up with one of them." I chase down A and B and tell them the set up. C wants to play and get real nasty and A and B agree, it sounds like fun and turn around and come back in the club. C... has fled. Upon seeing me chase after A and B, C ran out the back door. Apparently he could live with just "thinking" about it and not actually doing it. C will never return. I apologize to the ladies after a few minutes and they head home.

Dec. 8th, 8:50 PM. During the show, a rather sexy woman, D, comes up to me and starts into her game. She's on and she wants to play. She tells me that she is attracted to a woman in the audience, E, and she would love to fuck her badly. I tell her that I will see what I can do. I go back on stage and inform the audience that one lucky lady has a secret admirer and that "she" would like to talk to her after the show. D told me that she wasn't shy and she never gets embarrassed. I told her I was going to do it and she said it was a good idea. When I get off stage, she has changed her mind. She's pissed.

The show ends and during the meet and great, D shows me who E is in the crowd. E turns out to be sitting with girl, F who works at the club and is the closest thing to a goth chick we have to look at so I am already fast friends with her. F is cool and we are talking to each other when her friend, E comes up and joins in. It's all BDSM all day and all night. Dark stuff, very heavy. I have never been this excited for Daniel Day in all my years. I tell E about D and even point her out. She is completely turned on by the idea. As soon as I point at D, she sees me pointing and flees and so I end up talking to E and F for an hour before they leave. I apologize to E who doesn't seem to mind. I walk back into the show room after E and F leave and there is D, going through her stuff, hanging out. It turns out she sells fetish gear and runs a fetish site. We talk for a while and then the phone rings, its E who is looking to play with D if she is around and willing. D is pissed at me for calling her out on stage and is looking to be all talk and no game at this point, which is weird for women to be that far out there when it comes to this kind of sex, and says she's cool with it this time. I tell E to come back, that D is here and that she would love to play. I hang up and return to D and tell her the news, D grabs her fetish gear and runs out the door.... the same door that C ran out of the night before. When E arrives we talk for another hour and we talk about things and I apologize again. Again, she doesn't seem to put out by the deal but she gets a phone call and has to run which officially ends my alphabet match making for the night.

Its either me or the door. If you don't have the courage but you have a big mouth, I am probably not the person to turn to for a wing man. I took what these people said literally and it only worked to show how cowardly people can be. Both D and C said they wanted some and I made it happen. BOTH of them fled like little school children at a Gary Glitter party when the heard the news that it was going to happen. I just don't have the capacity or the stomach, for half spoken courage. This was made very apparent in the faces of the women that CAME BACK, on my word alone, and were embarrassed to see that the person that asked for them, had fled upon hearing the news. They took the bigger risk and were made to look like the fool. It's moments like this that ruin it for the rest of the world.

The good news of the day is that there is a very healthy, very sexy, very twisted BDSM scene here. Of course, I learn this on my last night here with a hotel room in which to play in, but that's okay. I know it's here. I love the BDSM scene, asking them questions about themselves is a great deal of fun and you can learn a lot about duality of humans by talking to them. For example - E teaches English in a high school and appears to be as docile as a person can be. But when the bell rings the piercings in her body tingle and they are drawn to a darker world where blood, strangulation, severe restraints and watching men dress up in women's clothes is a relaxing afternoon. This... is why I refuse to die. I love people like this, they give me hope that there is a future for mankind. They represent the best example of what the rest of the world could truly be like if we were completly honest with ourselves and lived without fear instead of living a repressed life for a dozen different reasons which are complete dog shit. The only people that live a life that is anywhere near true are the people that we, as a world society, deem to be sluts, perverts, womanizers, whores or freaks and then shun them, exclude them or turn our backs on them. But they live a life closer to the soul than any of us that would label and judge them. We would all love to be them and if we don't then there is something wrong with "US" not them. WE have the issue that needs addressing and nine times out of ten that issue is F-E-A-R! Self imposed restraints based on the voices inside of our heads that mean nothing to us. These people recognize their fears and they live a life that embraces their fears as a strength and it makes their lives fuller. They are willing to let a stranger invite them to a night of debauchery with people they don't know and they are ready for it and excited by it. It's the people that would rather run out the door and not embrace who they are or what they want that have the true problem.

It's either Daniel.... or the door. Which way do you think you would have gone? What if you were A or B (who were willing to fuck each other even though one had never done it before) or E?