
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Sunday, December 25, 2005

QUESTIONS OF THE WEAK- christmas edition part one

Was Sancho funny?

He had his moments. Mostly he did Latino jokes for a mostly non-latino crowd and that rarely goes over well. He tried hard and we did make a mark on most of the crowds, but mostly he suffered. I think the stress got to both of us and it affected his show quite a bit.

Do you still talk to Sancho Ponchi?

Yes, we have exchanged a few emails and have yet to let go of what we went through together. I grew to enjoy Sancho and I think we will continue to talk for a long time.

Did you try dog while you were in Japan?

Japan doesn't eat dog, Korea does. But, no I didn't. I did see places where you could. It was expensive. $400.00 a plate.

What was the best part about Asia?

It wasn't America. I have seen America and it was time to see another part of the world. There is a general excitement that comes with traveling to some place you have never been and even if it looks just like your own home, it feels differently and so therefore, is very exciting. Coming in a close second - the food. Third - it was a free trip.

Did you have jet lag coming home?

Yes. It was dreadful. It took a better part of my trip to Canada to overcome it. I was sleeping irradically and I couldn't concentrate on anything. How I was able to write this blog at all was a mystery.

Did you get what you wanted for Daniel Day?

Yes. I did. The day came and went and I lived to see the other side of it. I hope that everyone enjoyed it as much as I did.

Why an elephant?

How dare you insult the great elephant of Daniel Day. He works hard for you. It's not hard to be an elephant that only gets to rampage one day a year and that's a lot of ground to cover in one day. Santa only has the benefit of flying reindeer, poor Ganesh has to do it all on foot and he's not the best swimmer.

Are you scared of dying?

No, not really. It happens to us all and I have done quite a bit to leave a lasting legacy behind. It may not be the legacy that parents want for their children, but it will last a while and that makes me happy. I guess you could say that I'm not looking forward to the whole, not breathing thing, but it shouldn't last too long.

Did the Divinyls really steal the song from you?

Uhhhhhhh.... yes. Perhaps you should read another blog. You're bringing down the flock with questions like that.

What was in the sausages in the photo?

I have no idea. I never ate one, asked about one or touched one. I can say that they were not moving which is more than I can say for most of the food that was for sale in that market.

What is with your outfit? (in the photos)

It was cold. I was wearing everything I had to keep warm. The chill in Korea is beyond any kind of chill that I ran into in Canada or in my time in Bemidji, Minnesota. It's just cold there. I think it comes from an elaborate plan by the North Koreans to freeze out their southern neighbors and then take over the penisula.

What did you say to the kids in Nagasaki?

I didn't say much. I spent most of the time trying to find a friendly face in which I could express my sentiments. Sancho hid from me and the rest of the parents just tried to smile and not say a thing. I eventually just started calling them, "little c*#ts" which worked for me.

What was the best part about your trip?

Exploring some place new.... and getting paid for it. It was very much like the early days of comedy touring when I would get excited by going to a new town or a new part of my own country.

So which part of the alphabet did you sleep with?

None of them. The letters of the alphabet escaped.