
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Thursday, October 20, 2005

cause I need the bread

Notice anything different? Floating around above the heading of the post, just above the date? That's right, it's my attempt at justifying three hours a day. Don't get me wrong, I love you all and there is nothing I enjoy more than writing these little essays for you to read, but I do need to pay my bills. It may be obnoxious to see, but if your viewing of my blog can pay for it's existence without me having to use a pay site format, then I think we have a pretty fair arrangement. You don't give me heat about it and I won't start asking for paypal information.

Besides, if it gets too obnoxious with classmate this or vioxx that, then we can pull it. Don't you want to see the irony unfold on the day I say one thing and the ads are pushing the antithesis? I think we are in for some odd amounts of fun.

Of course, they could choose to pull this as fast as they they choose to place it. According to my contract, which reads like legalized slavery and is pretty typical corporate bullshit, I can not cross the line or make their company look bad. Odd, I wasn't aware that their companies could be made to look any worse than they already are. We will have to wait and see which of us breaks first. In the meantime, I hope that I can raise some dough so that I can continue to bring these little bits of my day.

I am headed to Japan and Korea next month, with a stop in Tacoma before I head to Canada again for December. If any of you want to know the tour stops, I will send them too you, one date in Canada in particular, none of you can go too as it's some mormon show that requires I become Christian overnight. Lots of jokes like, "Here? The lord said here? In the middle of the high desert, next to a large body of undrinkable water? Here? This is the promised land?" After that, it's good Canadian fun.

In the meantime I need to prep for my upcoming two months of absence. I turned in my ballot for the upcoming smoking ban vote and I voted to ban smoking in buildings everywhere. Why not. I like when smoking is something that only criminals do. It shall make me want to smoke more, not less. Even though I only smoke four cigarettes a day. Ah hell, I will probably come back from Korea with bird flu anyway, I might as well smoke.

Cutting down the smoking wasn't as hard as I thought it would be and I actually force myself to smoke the three or four that I do smoke. I know this trend will change when I get to Canada as they smoke there like they know they live in Canada. I think I will smoke less in Japan as I don't like to smoke around computers and my vision of Japan is that it's one big Imac. At least it looks like one. I do enjoy the way the rest of the world smokes. I like the way they hold their hands which makes the cigarette look like a flower or a source of wisdom, which is in sharp contrast to my brutal teeth chomping, putting them out in my hand style. I have a butt can that sits on my front porch for me to put butts in, I wonder if they have these same sludgey, stinky butt cans in Japan.

I have mixed feelings about the tour to Japan as it comes on top of the return trip by my brother. He is only gone for a month on this trip, and then back for a month before he's gone for 5 months. My tour starts two weeks before he arrives, and ends the day he leaves to go back to Iraq. I will only see him on his birthday and Thanksgiving and the day in between. Three whole days. I guess it won't be that bad, he has things to do and places to see, so I can see him in the spring.

I like your questions so far. For those of you that I know read this and haven't asked any questions, don't think I am going to answer any of your questions in person when I see you. If you want to read all of these weird questions, then you have to ask some of your own.

Lastly, this is the birthday of the blog. Thank you for a great first year.