
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

broken nose, bruised ribs, bloody lip - good for the soul

The first punch you will ever throw will be lousy. It will be poorly executed and most likely hurt you more than the intended victim. You will most likely not grip your hand into a proper fist and you will most likely swing uncontrollably hitting the wrong part of the intended victim's body and sending painful shock waves up your arm. The first punch that you land correctly will hurt your fist so badly that you may never hit someone again. If you punch someone in the face, there are sharp bones just under the skin that jab back as you push forward. The skull is dense bone and it feels like you just punched a board. The bones in your finger are not as strong as the ones in the face and they shatter, splinter and crack pretty easily. Not too mention the bones in your wrist, which are basically floating in tissue and just waiting for you to jam them up. A fist fight can hurt. And I am only talking about throwing the punches, not taking them and I left out the kicking, knees, biting, scratching and hair pulling.

So, with all that knowledge of fighting, why would you want to do it? Why would you want to lay your hands on someone else for any other reason than to pleasure them? Well, to pleasure yourself as usual. When we fight or fuck, we do it to satisfy similar feelings inside our bodies. Each action releases similar hormones and other body chemicals that are addictive to the mind and feel good to the body. Of course, when those wear off and we are left with a broken arm, broken nose and road rash on our back, the fight doesn't seem as worthwhile.

Hitting someone has to come from somewhere and most of the time it's frustration. You tire of the person you are dealing with for whatever reason and you strike out at them because you lack any other skill to deal with the frustration. I will admit, sometimes it feels good to smack someone. Sometimes, you just want to hit them because they need a good smack. (think politicians, killers, rapists, child molesters, thieves and hippies) You don't even need to have any pre-requisite relationship. Just see them, smack them and they try and decide if you are going to stop. It's easy to give into your frustration. It turns so easily into rage and that is a hard monkey to get off your back when it's there. Rage is a very powerful emotion, it's effectiveness comes from the fact that the rest of your brain shuts down and just gives into it. Usually the rage whore will find their visage turn dark and nasty, their body tenses and seems ready to prounce, it's unsettling. It's in these times, that hitting someone is most commonly found. Rarely does someone hit someone when they are calm or thinking things through, it happens, but rarely.

A healthy fight, and they are all healthy, show everyone involved something that they didn't know before. A fight shows the antagonist that they have gone too far. The first puncher shows the breaking point. It shows how well each person involved can take a punch and deliver one. It shows how well each person operates under fire and the end of the fight shows where the humanity level of the victor lies.

Of course, fighting is supposed to be bad for us and we are supposed to avoid it whenever possible and I agree. Giving in to frustration is a weak position and shouldn't be encouraged in any person, however, there are people out there that purposefully seek out your "buttons" and they shouldn't see your humanity limits. Your rage should just eliminate them completely. Everybody has a list of these button pushers and the only thing keeping them alive is either a law in some particular state that does not allow for murder or torture or the button pusher is elusive and can't easily be found. My list is short, but specific; Conservative talk radio hosts and hippies.

It's been a long time since I struck someone and it's not that I don't want too or haven't had a reason, I have just learned new ways to deal with my frustration. I have learned that patience is actually a more powerful feeling than frustration and rage is rarely found at the end of patience. I have heard people talk about having their patience tested or losing their patience, but I think that is what makes patience so much stronger of an emotion. If you can learn to live life without giving in every time you feel weak, then I think that speaks volumes about you. Sometimes you don't need to hit someone, you can just walk away. I know that is the mantra of hippies and counselors everywhere, but it's true. Walking away does work. And it ultimately works better than the fist. Here's why...

A good fight involves a strategy. There are times when your opponent is strong and weak and there are times when you can strike and times when you need to defend. It's all strategy. You need one to win any fight. In the case of any argument the easiest way out is to not be pulled into a trap that will require you to fight your way out, which will tire you and weaken you in the long run. The best thing to do is hold your ground, size up the opponent, identify weaknesses and strengths, look for patterns in behavior and personality and then use that information to win a victory "the war" not just "the battle". So, in the case of a fist fight, you can either go straight to blows or you can be patient and win without having to see bare knuckles.

I don't have a temper and it's hard to piss me off. Rapists and con artists are the only two kinds of people that I wouldn't hesitate to punish. There is no greater joy than knowing that they suffer. Oh, and hippies too. Damn hippies!