
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Monday, October 03, 2005

i will share with you now

Most of you lifers on this blog have probably noticed that the Questions of the weak posts have disappeared. For those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, don't worry about it. But, for those that have noticed and for those of you that complain to me about not doing it anymore, I want to offer an explanation and write about a few other things that you have brought to my attention.

One, the QOTW died. It was growing increasingly difficult to keep up with all the questions and I was losing sleep over it. It was taking days to put it together and it ceased to be fun anymore. I wanted to answer your questions, but it was not worth all the trouble. For those pressing questions that you ask, I try to answer them personally, for those non-pressing questions, here's a reader's digest version of all the answers to the questions...

Because everyone knows where I live. No, you can't. Yes, I do. Probably not. If it paid well. More than a dozen times. Red heads. Only twice and I lost the first one. Black. I believe it's King Ranier.

I get a lot of simple, easy to answer questions that I can answer like; Middle name Jefferson. And Favorite color blue. But there are some deeper questions that I was taking too much time to answer and I was getting less interested in answering it the longer I took to think about it. I started to answer questions by just restating the question with a "I don't know if I would kill someone for money." The deeper the question, the dumber I felt I was becoming.

So, from now on, if you have a question, it will be answered in a personal email. Keep in mind that I get close to a hundred emails a day that I try to read and respond too, so it might take a few days to get back to you. I realize that the answers were a lot of fun to read, but it's a monster undertaking, which I don't have time for right now.

The requested writing: I will get back to that near the end of the month. There are still quite a few in my requested folder and I need to go back through and see if anything catches my eye. I enjoy them too, but again, it's a lot of work and I really need the time to get other things done. I write when I can and it's the highlight of my day, it really is, but I do have other things I have to do to keep myself alive.

The comedy touring: If I can, I will. I just finished a weekend of dates and I am looking at some more coming up. Mostly in my area with a few in Canada. I am hoping that things work out there.

Depression and metaphors: I am not depressed, or not as depressed as many of you have indicated in your emails. Thank you for your concern. It's stress, workable stress, but just stress. As far as the information that is found in each post, I would like to say that most of the time I am not writing like I am creating a puzzle. Yes, some of the posts are metaphors and some of them are meant to be just humorous. Some are just nutty, ramblings and I hope that you understand which is which. If not, please ask. To respond in general to recent posts; No, I am not saying that lesbians are animals and no, I was not aware that pep club members recycled their paper.

Edits: I know that my grammar, spelling and content can be annoying at times. Forgive me. I am not big on the spell check and I was never a great English student. In fact, most of what I know about sentence structure has come from the readers of this blog and their constant, daily critiques of my work. I don't want you to think that I don't appreciate it, I do. In fact, it's very helpful. Keep in mind, this isn't being written for glory, just to ramble and to amuse and whatever it does for the reader.

Books: It's on it's way. It took longer than I thought and the second collection of writing begins to disappear soon. Final notice, download what you want before you have to buy it later. It's my hope to have the better, second book, out by December. For all of you that bought a preordered book, it's still a good deal. For those of you who didn't. NO FREEBIES! You people asked for it.

Address: Again the book orders are at PO BOX 131, Dayton, WA 99328

Health: Not as good as it should be. Nothing serious, just vanity stuff.

I hope this helps with some of your issues in one swoop. I am trying to keep up with you all, but I don't have a staff to keep this running. Just ten fingers and my mind.

Thank you for reading. I appreciate you all.