
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

where do you put them

You don't see it on the news all that much, but the relocation of New Orleanians is everywhere. Online, there are thousands of stories about small towns all across America that are opening their empty doors to their ration of refugees. Everyone is so lovely about it. The living arrangements are full of food, furniture, clothes and hope. (aaaahhhhhh) The faces of the refugees is pretty much the same as they have gotten used to this game by now, they smile, they cry a little bit, they thank god a lot, hug everyone they can find and then look around blankly at their new digs. You would think that they would be looking at the new digs and really appreciating the space, but most of them, I think, are looking around thinking, "there is no way I am going to stay here".

We did not put these people in new homes. We put these people in storage. We took empty space, which could have been used for the homeless that were in those areas in the first place, and used them for selfish gains. People love to look like they care even when, deep down, they don't. Do you think that small town, white America really wanted to invite a black couple to live next door to them? Hasn't it been the practice of white America to run away from cities and black people and black people in cities? Hasn't it been the number one complaint of white America that they don't want to pay taxes so "poor" America can have babies and do nothing? Poor being the political way of saying black or Hispanic.

I am curious to see how many of the relocated will actually stay and to see how long they are actually allowed to stay. I wonder how long the "refugee" title will work before the true color of the charity starts to show through. I wonder how many people today would feed a fireman for free like they did right after 9/11? At what point does charity cease to be a fantasy and become a reality?

If your heart is truly pure and full of love for your fellow man, prove it to yourself today. Charity is not giving a bum a dollar and it's not working a telethon to raise money, charity is finding someone that needs help and helping them without them knowing that your efforts are charity. It's not taking time or giving time. Time isn't something that you have control over in this occasion. Help someone by using energy that you have that they don't. They have all the time in the world and they don't need any of yours. What they don't have are all the options that you do, try sharing one or two of those. They don't need you raising money on a phone, especially when we all know that that money is lost in the wind for things that rarely benefit those that need it.

Don't showcase your charity by giving a living space full of life's necessities to someone outside of your community, give it to someone that was already there.

I wonder if those refugees would be willing to work for their new storage containers. Is that a requirement for all the charity that the world is showing them? Do they have to work for it? I wonder if they get to pick where they go OR can you go pick a family out of a book the same way you pick a pet at the pound or a tattoo from some flash on a wall? What are they not telling us about this new found charity that is sweeping the nation? Is there money... nooooooo... They wouldn't be getting a subsidy from the feds for helping these people, that would be unthinkable. People don't need to be paid for their charity efforts, I'm sure their efforts are pure and they wouldn't be thinking of the free cash flow. Naw, no way, no how! How awful to think that charity would be.... Tax deductible????

I hope that the families find their way home. I don't care where they go or what they do, just as long as they feel like they have truly found a place to call home that doesn't come with a price that they can't pay. I hope they hear the siren's song and return home to the land that they love and I wish that for all of us.