
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Monday, October 17, 2005

publisher's clearing house

For Colorado

A neo-nazi group held a march somewhere in Little nowhere, America this past week and the information coming out the event is staggering. Apparently, not being able to get the "permits" needed to "assemble" and march down the middle of the street, the neos decided that they would forgo the legal avenues and just walk down the sidewalk, which does not require a permit and isn't against the law. Now, I am not a nazi fan, and I could care less about their march. To each their own and so what. However, the neighborhood which they choose to march in was a predominately black neighborhood and the denizens came out in force, literally, to show their displeasure. There were riots, buildings burned, stores looted, people assaulted, public officials threatened and over a hundred arrests were made. None of it, neo nazis. It seems that the locals were not too willing to accept another way of life being allowed to express their rights in America as it pertains to their neighborhood. To sum it up - One group was willing to use violence to oppress another group from expressing themselves. Ironic?

I am not a fan of Nazis, but I do think that their presence in America is a test of our true nature as so called, "accepting human beings". The actions of the civil rights workers in the 60's was not so that one group would see equal rights and justice under the law, but that everyone would see it. Even those that we truly can't stand. We may not agree, condone or like what the neos say, but we have to let them say it if we are truly going to be a free society.


For Canada

The Iraq constitution was put to the vote and the people of Iraq voted to accept it. Surprising considering that the majority of Iraq is Sunni and they are the group that opposed it in the first place. Had all or half of them voted, it would have been voted down, so it's amazing that the constitution passed at all. Did the Sunni's decide to just accept the raw deal and vote in favor of the constitution? Not surprisingly, the American government claims that this pro-constitutional vote shows that they have brought real stability to the region and this will make it possible for the US to withdrawal it's forces in a timely manner and thus avoid any more scandal before the war crimes tribunal convenes to bring down Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfawitz, Don Rumsfeld, James Baker, George Bush and Roger Ailes as war mongers. (the same crime the world brought against Mussolini, Hitler, Imperial Japan and Saddam Hussein) When they say timely manner they mean right before we invade Iran and avoid a public backlash that could occur when the war-friendly general public has nothing to show support for on their car. For the next two months the violence in Iraq is expected to dip dramatically and I'm sure no one will die or be injured. I'm sure the people of Iraq will see their new constitution as a way of settling old religious arguments and just sit down and share a hooka with their sworn, 5000 year old enemies. It's going to be a sight to see. I hope their constitution doesn't require permits to assemble, pray, print or bear arms...


For Wisconsin

There was a major earthquake in Pakistan. So far more than 50, 000 people have been confirmed dead. AND, not one major telethon is expected. No one is collecting money or trying to raise money for the survivors. Not one major celebrity has gotten on board to raise money for the relief effort and no one has run out to give blood, money, food, clothes or letters of hope and encouragement to the survivors. No one has offered to let the survivors live in their houses, neighborhoods or in a spare RV. I guess we only have room in our hearts for one major catastrophe per season. Sorry Pakistan, you needed to wait at least six months from the Hurricane season if you wanted to see Sean Penn lifting rocks off survivors.


For Washington

Former model, Kate Moss and former pop star, Boy George are both in the spotlight with a cocaine problem. Not sure why cocaine is actually a problem in today's world, but apparently there are just some among us that just can't let go of the 80's. I am not sure why I need to know about either of these two and their drug problem. I am fascinated that people are shocked and think that we need to burn these two at the stack for their lack of digression. Kate Moss lost her endorsement deals and stands to lose a bunch of money. I am not all that worldly-wise about all things advertising, but what products did she push? Will the absence of her coked out body make the product lose money? I am not sure if any of you remember this, but the "dude, you're gettin' a dell" guy was busted for having dope and he lost his endorsement deal. The character he was supposed to be was a pot smoking idiot that made their computers look more hip and it worked. Kate Moss is coke sniffing thin and that is what advertisers wanted from her. Exactly what is the thinking behind this? You wanted them to look like they were on drugs to sell your products but when it turns out that they actually DO take drugs, you are shocked and want so distance your product from them?


I am not in the mood to think about this stuff anymore. I can see the through line as all of you can. I hope this doesn't disappoint you that I have become so jaded to irony, conspiracy and hippocracy that I don't care to write about it any more. There are too many blogs out there that do nothing but write about this stuff. However, these are all real stories. Most of the information contained within, with the exception of the war crimes tribunal for the fucking Cheney-Bush faction, is real. I think we have actually seen the arm of Shiva descend upon us and start removing vital parts of our spiritual anatomy. Apparently she started with the part of our souls that controls common sense and reaction. Someone needs to cry bullshit, but the problem is... Who would listen and who cares too?