
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Saturday, October 15, 2005

real tough chick

It's been a long time since I actually went to see a movie at the theater. It pains me to say this, but there just isn't enough out there to see. I think that in the past decade or so we have seen a sharp decline in quality movies that are theater-worthy and just demand that you see them when they first come out. "Lord of the Rings" "Star Wars" "Thin Red Line" these are cinema eye candy and if you didn't see them in the theater then you missed 90 percent of their value as films. I guess today's films are just made for the quick release and people would rather rent, wait for cable or just refuse to see it no matter what. I remember life before cable and rental, when you had to see it in the theater or wait for one of the three channels to broadcast it on nightly television otherwise you were never going to see it. I have still seen more movies in theaters than I have on cable and rental combined, but that ratio is quickly changing. It's sad because I love the theater experience. I love the preshow trivia powerpoint presentation and I love the smell of popcorn and the comfort of sitting in the dark with a bunch of strangers and not touching each other. I like eating all of my ten dollar tub of dry popcorn before the previews start and I love being able to just eat the M&M's and not know which color they are (also consumed before the movie starts).

To get me to the theater now, it takes a great need or a great movie. Guess which one "Domino" is? "Domino" is an interesting movie about a young woman who has a famous father and who decided to become a bounty hunter. To explain any more about the movie would be foolish, not because it would ruin it, but because I can't waste more time thinking about it. Keira Knightley is the star and she plays, Domino. She is backed up by some serious Caine-Murray award winners which save the film, most notably, Mickey Rourke, who is again, perfect. Christopher Walken, always a hit and barely used in this one. And, a great surprise... Dabney Coleman. My long lost favorite. He hasn't done a lot of work in the past fifteen years but prior to that, he was the man. If you are having a hard time placing the name or face, he was the boss in "9-5". If that doesn't work for you, stop reading this and go suck your thumb. Tom Waites is another Caine-Murray award winner that appears in the film but he is sparsely used so it's almost not worth the nod. The film is directed by Tony Scott, who gave rise to the quick edit film style that we are used to today. He has a few good films to his name, but most of the films he gets in the can, are shit. "Top Gun", "Days of Thunder". His directing style gave rise to the Simon Wests, Micheal Bays and other shit directors of today. So you could say that Tony Scott, director of "True Romance" is directly responsible for the lack of good movies in the world today. If he didn't direct the crap, he spawned it in some indirect way. His films gave money and power to the Jerry Bruckheimer Juggernaught that have brought you such hits as "Coyote Ugly" and "Pearl Harbor".

Back to Keira Knightley as Domino. She is supposed to be a tough girl, a chick that can kick ass and I am not buying it. I know that it's the trend these days for female leads to be tough broads but I think it's important that you cast the right type of person for those kinds of roles. Keira Knightley is not tough and it shows, it makes her acting looking stilted and ruins the film. There are several reasons why she just doesn't make the cut, most notably she weighs ten pounds less than my Heidi. She is also British, and British dames just ain't tough. But what really does her in is the fact that she wears so much eye makeup to make herself look tough, which is the most telling sign that you're not. Tough people don't act tough, they live tough. Looking tough means you're a coward with issues and you don't want anyone to know about either one. Eye liner isn't going to make people cower when you enter the room. Being British might, I might need to rethink my position on that.

Tough women are everywhere, on television, you have Alias, Dark Angel, Cagney and Lacey, Will and Grace, Night Court, Designing Women and Perfect Strangers. With the exception of Bronson Pinchot, none of these women is really tough. Again, dark eye liner and a sassy southern accent don't make you a bad ass. I want to see the episode of Designing Women where Dixie Carter starts into her weekly diatribe and she gets clocked and the rest of her cronies have to carry her toothless, limp body back to the house where she bleeds all over that floral couch. If she wakes up and is still talking sassy, then she's tough. If not, then it's all hot air. Toothless, that's a telling sign of a tough chick... and other things.

I am not big on the fake acting tough broad. The first tough girl I ever saw was in the original film version of "Gloria". In fact, ever since, I have measured tough girls by degrees of Gloria. For example, Alias - 1 out of 5 Glorias. Cagney and Lacy - 3 out of 5 Glorias. Domino - 2 out of 5 Glorias. Prince - 3 out of 5 Glorias. Get the point? Gloria was tough, she didn't advertise it, she just did it. That's tough. Okay, so she gets soft at the end, but she's tough up to that point.

I like a mean broad. I think they are a little more my speed on certain adult activities. A lot of women have claimed to be pretty tough, but they crack under the slightest hair pulling or a medium nipple biting and they expose their true soft-loving sexual self. I'm not a demon by any means, but I like sex to be pretty primal at times. I think that is why I have such a problem with the wanna-be tough girl. I'm not impressed with claims of toughness as it pertains to bearing children, raising children, farm or inner city childhoods, or coming from a family with five older brothers. I think a tough broad can take a punch. A true ass kicking woman of strength can take a punch better than a man. (note, I am not asking the readership to go out and strike a woman or if you are a woman to go out and take one on the chin, please resist the temptation) I think tough girls are pretty sedate acting in their life and just happen to enjoy chewing on rusty bolts and think that losing three or four inches of skin falling out of a tree is a fun day.

I, myself, am not as tough as the girl's I profess to like. I thought I was in my youth, but as I got older and joints started to ache and bruises took longer to heal, I lost my itch for running my head into walls and staying up past 11.

If you gonna be dumb, than you gotta be tough. We you get knocked down, then you gotta get up... as the wise minstrel of Jackass fame told us. Everyone wants to be tough. Everyone thinks they're tougher than they really are. I think we would all like to think we can take more and stand more than we ever have in reality but the truth is, you can't. That's why we aren't tough and neither is Keira Knightley, Prince, Jerry Bruckheimer or that girl that is pressing charges against me... sheesh! Broads.