
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Thursday, June 30, 2005

things are amiss

The questions of the weak has run it's course and is now so out of hand that I can no longer keep pace with it. I realize that most of my readers just like to get down to that post so I can't make it completely disappear all together so here are some options...

1. Nothing. Just call it a day.
2. I post the most relevant questions and have you all answer them.
3. Randomly pick the fifth the email question and only do twenty five.
4. Just answer the ones that ask for advice.

I am not sure what to do here. I love answering the questions but, damn! To be honest, I don't even open half the emails I get. Unless I know you personally. That is a sucky thing to say, but I have to be up front. Some of the questions I am being asked are from people I don't know and they are general questions that I think are self explanatory.

What religion are you?
Are you married?
Do you want kids?
Where do you live?

Those kinds of questions are first time readers and I appreciate their readership, but I think some back reading will answer most of them.

So, along with your checks for the book, I would like to hear your views on what path should be taken here. I won't listen to you no matter what you say, but it's considered polite to ask people for their advice before you shit on it.

Do I think athletes are overpaid?
Why not try this... We kill the losers, just like the Maya and Aztec used too.

For those of you that said young children don't understand sex when I mentioned the Mr. Jackson trial. Yes, they do. They know that grabbing their crotch feels good. They don't understand the emotional impact, but then again, neither do many grown ups. But they do know that touching their special place feels good. Every man remembers the joy of climbing a pole as a child and most women remember how much fun it was to hug that pillow between your legs.

For those of you who think that sex is better when tantra is applied, you're wrong. tantra was developed when there wasn't much to do but look at elephants pass by and fuck. There was a lot of time to fuck. Nowadays, we have shit to do. No one wants to fuck for four hours, they have jobs to get to and television shows to watch. If there is no porn for it, it isn't a sexual act. There is no tantra porn because no one wants to sit around that long. Want to spend more time with a loved one? Drive across the country without a stereo. Want to have a physical experience, shoot each other in the gut and walk to the fucking hospital together.

Do I want a revolution? Sure. Don't we all? I only hope it's for the right reasons. Find one reason that isn't selfish and unbalanced and I will jump on board.

Should you become a stand up comic? Absolutely. Give it a go. Try everything that your hearts tells you to try. No matter what. Apparently you're being drawn in, so as Kendall would say, "buy the ticket, take the ride". See what happens.

Is my wife cheating on me? Do you want to know? As a friend of mine said, "If you want to know, ask her every detail, down to how big his cock was, if they did anal, did she cum, how long did it last, and then after you hear it all, walk away. You will never recover, no matter what the answers are." If you like being married, don't ask. If you don't like the marriage, ask and be done with it. She says no. Leave her anyway, you were looking for a reason.

How do you handle stalkers? I have a few people that are border line, but I don't consider them stalkers until they cross the line. When that time comes, I will let you know what I did. It will most likely involve gun play.

I feel lost, what should I do?

Stop looking and start appreciating. Robinson Crusoe knew he was lost, he made the best of it. You are not on some desolate island living off bugs and fruit, so how lost can you be?

I think you see my point, eh? It's fun. And much easier to do. The personal questions are fun, but are a little bit more time consuming. The requests are great. I like some of your ideas and will do it again soon. If you would like to answer some questions from some of the readers, please let me know.