
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

a courageous mullet

There are tons of jokes about the mullet. There are photos of the early hairstyle all over the web and in various photo albums around the world. I am sure that every family, with a few exceptions, has a photo of someone with a mullet. It's usually the photo that people try to hide when they see it again and it's the one that people tell themselves they are going to throw away but never do.

I saw a man in Oregon with a mullet. A goody. Nice and spiky on top with a sharp division separating the long, flowing goodness of the back. This man was looking in a mirror, combing it carefully, placing each lock in it's most outstanding position. You could tell, he felt coooool.

Everyone loves to pick on the mullet. To be more exact, people love to tease the PEOPLE that have a mullet. The mullet has come to represent white trash, truck drivin', lesbian hockey players and the humorous of the world, love a good stereotype. It wasn't too many years ago that everyone had one and then a moment in country music history, brought down the hallowed halls of mullet supremacy, Mr. Achy Breaky came to town.

Now, what should have been a pretty face being put on the hairstyle and sending it even further up the ladder of sexiness, turned out to be a death nail as the owner of this mullet chose to wear tight jeans and tennis shoes with it. Had he worn cowboy boots, I would most likely be writing this with my mullet pony tail hanging down on the keys of this computer. I am not sure which universe is better.

It takes a lot of courage, a ton of it, to continue to sport a mullet. I am sure the mullet people of the world know that they are a joke and that people laugh at them constantly, but it doesn't seem to bother them and they won't cut that hair for anybody or any reason. Even when the fashion changed. Even when the king of the mullet cut his off. Even when their stereotype started to take on a darker, dumber appearance, they hang on. That, my friends, is courage.

For all of us bland hair style wearing folk that change are hairstyles to accommodate the fashion of the day, or who wear an oldy-but-goody style that says nothing and takes no amount of courage to wear, I think we need to lay off the mullet bearers of the world. We can't judge them on any level. Are they not the ones that are not bowing to convention? Are we not the ones who lack the originality? Are they not doing something that we, ourselves, could not do?

So, bravo, Mister or Misses mullet wearer. You are a true keeper of the flame. You live as a strong example of what we all hope to one day be; a true individual.