
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

requested #3

Reader: I would like to have you comment on racial issues. Your post regarding Mexicans was quite compelling and I would like to see if this same mentality can be applied to other ethnic groups.

Me: No. It can't. There is no fixed formula for racism or the way I, or we, treat others. There are moments when I think someone's character IS about the color of their skin OR their religious beliefs. Where they come from in the world has a lot to do with what kind of people they are. Every culture has it's own rules and they are not all going to work in other cultures. Example: The Saudi's beadheaded a woman for sleeping with a man she was not married too. In Pakistan a woman was raped as a punishment for something her brother did. In America we would execute someone for killing one person and let someone who has killed many, live.

Everyone has differing ideas and to accept their ideas and to see them as different, is a racist ideal. Not all racism is bad, but most of it is. It's a fact that "accepting diversity" means being okay with niggers, chinks, kikes and wops, pollocks, tutsis, kafirs, untouchables, hillbillies, wetbacks, spics, bohunks, guineas, mics, bitches, retards, giants, midgets.... this list goes on, and accepting them is the right thing to do. But that doesn't mean you feel that way. Maybe you were raised to believe that they are lesser creatures than you and in that same culture you were taught to believe that angels with horns will signal the end of the world. Perhaps the world is flat in some corners of it.

The only time racism gets attention is when it's negative. When the racism is positive, we call it being progressive. The issue or racism is a non factor. It's so low on my list of things to worry about or address, that I rarely take it into consideration when dealing with the world around me. I don't lock my doors because there are blacks around, I lock them because "someone" might steal my shit.

Every bad trait of humans is found in us all. No one color or corner of the world is immune from emotion. As long as emotion lives in us all, there will always be fear, jealousy, anxiety, doubt, anger, pain and selfishness. As long as we still feel these things, we will always have outsiders, strangers, suspicious characters and things that are not "us". When that goes away, I think you will see racism go away.

Final note: I hate anyone from Vermont. Why? Why not? Ever see them up close? They smell funny. And you can't trust them with money. They are greedy and diseased. They try to fuck are women and they abuse their children. Feel free to fill in your hated group at the beginning of this final thought. It should work for everyone.