
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

sex isn't a legal issue

Mr. Jackson isn't a pedophile, this according to the judicial system of California as a jury of his peers found him not guilty of all charges. A jury of peers.... Mr. Jackson was born into a big, black Jehovah witness family and was a super star when he was 5. He recorded the largest single selling album of all time and has done wonders for the cosmetic surgery world as a walking billboard. Are there really 12 people just like that?

So, no, he didn't touch small boys. No, he didn't pay large sums of cash to their families. No, he didn't get them drunk or let them watch porn. No, Mr. Jackson is a good man. For now.

I think the issue here isn't whether or not he fucked those kids, but whether or not sex should regulated by law. Is it really a good idea to place restrictions on sex? How often do the laws that are in place actually help us as a society? Rape is bad. But that is so much more than just the act itself, so it's not a sex law. And the laws we have regarding rape don't deter anyone from committing it. AND if they get caught, they get to hang out with other rapists and rape each other. Then, when the prisons are too full, we let one or two of them back out and they take their skills to a whole new level.

Women who strip on stage are told by law what they can show or not show on stage. No female is allowed to show her breasts in public. No man is allowed to show his cock in public. Fellatio is illegal in every state. Most sexual positions are illegal in some states. Talking dirty is illegal. So is showing sex on television, mentioning sex on radio or print. There are now new laws being drafted to make all online sex/porn sites have to use .xxx for their domain name. Which, if allowed, will make it possible for the government to regulate the internet. We must be cautious.

Sex is illegal everywhere. Fucking before marriage. During marriage with someone else. Fucking more than one person at a time. Fucking someone of the same sex. Using toys, food, or "aides" is illegal in some areas. And I want to know why?

I have fucked my way around the world. I have seen some of the most tawdry things done by those who would have us think them an innocent. I have thought, at times, that the more straight laced the person's social persona, the more deviant their private one must be. This from years of watching Jekyl become Hyde. So why try to regulate what people do? Has any of it worked out for the greater good?

In America, it's illegal to distribute condoms in the nurse's office of a high school. But a big issue according to a slick politician is AIDS prevention, teen pregnancy, the drop out rate and abortion. All of which we circumvent with condoms... for the most part.

I am a kinky bastard and I have little to no moral fiber when I am naked and their is a willing soul in front of me. I play by the rules that we set up, but those rules change from each encounter. It can change with the same person. One moment it's "go ahead" and the next, "not today". So how do you regulate what people want to do and stop them from achieving it? I guess we could scare people away from certain acts of sexual perversion. Or we could tell them they are different and therefore "broken" and no good to anyone. I guess we could make a not-so-secret underground world where people can go to tap into their sexual desires. We could create a parallel universe where people could go to get away from the lies and become themselves, if only for a brief while. Now wouldn't that be something?

In Mr. Mike's case, touching small boys is an odd fetish. I have tried to be very open minded to all kinds of sexual pursuits and not to judge. However, in this case, I am pretty sure, Mike's fascination with boys is going to hard to explain. Let's try....

I don't see it as sexual. I see it as a hobby. I see Mike enjoying the miniature nature, much the same way people enjoy a bansai tree or a model train. I don't think there is a sexual nature to it so much as a grown up with a lost childhood, who is trying to recapture it. I know this isn't sitting well with any of you, but hear me out. Do you think a person who never knew childhood wouldn't want to find one? How many of you would like to feel as innocent as you did on saturday morning in front of the cartoons? How easy it was to entertain yourself and how easy life was to live when you didn't have bills, health issues or future plans that involved a lot of waiting around. Maybe Mike just wants to be a normal kid, like everyone else. If he is a pedophile, then he should move to Japan and just go crazy with it. They love that shit there.

In closing... I am not, nor shall I ever be a pedophile. So don't ask. Free yourself sexually and the rest of the world will seem like smooooooth sailing. What else are you hiding? Nothing, just your sexual desires.