
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

and set them out into the world as seeds from a tree

It never gets said at graduations, but it should.

Set them free! Let them go! Help them pack and see them off! Yes, today is the day you get to have your home back and you can fuck in it whenever you want too. That's right! Let them bugger off and find a job, pay bills and suffer at their own hands. You don't have to anymore! Let them go! And enjoy the extra $1000 or more a month that you will save by not having them around. Your social stigma is in remission. Go forth and be FUN AGAIN!!!!

Then people would cheer and the children would stare.... blankly at their parents, who are cheering so much their faces are red and some even have tears in their eyes. Their wives are so busy they don't even offer them a tissue to wipe it off.

That would be a ceremony.

The high school, like any good tree, went to seed this past week and it's pollen was out in force, ready to go. You can always tell the seed is ready to fly away as a small wing has attached itself to the top of it and the surface area increases a bit. Just enough to carry it away on the next strong breeze to places far away so it might plant itself in the fertile soil and make it's mess somewhere else. Or, at least, that is what the parents are hoping.

The young ladies looked ready to win a war in their cap and gowns and the boys looked ready to follow those women. 18 year olds just seem to glisten and they seem, riper in certain ways. Very appealing, and yet, for the more stubborn of heart, not ripe enough. Not yet anyway. Parents take pictures and the old people wearing gowns make dull speeches and then everyone throws a hat in the air (some of the parents have to be told not to do that, but we humor them) and then it's out of there and on to a barbecue.

The boys wore the black gowns and the girls wore the red. From where I was sitting it looked like a bunch of molecules floating around in a Petrie dish. I am sure the black molecules were excited about merging with some of the red molecules as soon as possible.

There is just intelligent life everywhere in the forgottens. The people, the river, the animals and the trees. There is just enough life to remind you that not everything is so defeatist and skeptical. The river keeps flowing and if you try to stop it, it tries to find another way around, it always wants to flow. And it gets angry when you fuck with it. The animals know a good deal when the see one and are not in any hurry to leave this place. They have what they want and have no concern for life elsewhere, they just enjoy what they have. AND the trees.... the smartest life in the world. Trees, plants, flowers are a life and are all intelligent. Don't believe me, I will explain....

Flowers... have to reproduce as it's the only function in life that every life form on this planet lives for. Flowers have no brain, no heart and no apparent means of communication to get their seed to spread. Flowers had to LEARN that bugs could do the work. HOW do they get a bug to do their work, they BECAME pretty. They changed themselves to be pretty to attract bugs to do all the work. They developed smells to attract bugs. How many of us can just change the way we smell by willing it?

Trees... also have this same dilemma. How to transfer seed. They FIGURED it out... Make their seeds, yummy and cover them with sugar. Oranges, lemons, cherries, apples, pears, etc. And make animals eat their yummy fruit. Then it would pass through the animal and be shat out the other side and left in a pile of perfectly fertilized soil to let their seed take root. THEY had to make a seed that wouldn't digest in the tummies of animals and something that would cover the seed to make it edible. That, my friends is a lot of knowledge. How many of us know the ph levels of a bear's stomach?

Grape vines.. seek out structure to grow on. They some how can SEE where there is something to grow on and grow TOWARDS that structure. ( and their fruit is yummy too )

It would seem that nature is smarter than we thought. It gets no formal education but yet, it kicks are ass in common sense everyday. Remember what I said before about how we will never destroy this planet, only our existence on it? Well, take that into consideration when you need a good reality check. We are the idiots of this planet. Our thumbs, art and SUV's are nothing when you think about what plants do with no information whatsoever.

How many parents would let an animal eat their seed and shit it out, just to guarantee it's survival?

NOW that would be a graduation ceremony.