
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Thursday, December 29, 2005

if paris knew, she'd kill you...

I see them every night. Every night. Big city - small town. Tons of them. Girls - barely over the legal age to be in the bar - milling around, looking for boys, dressed up like a poor-woman's Paris Hilton. They seem to think that with the look will come the popularity - or the success, and sadly, all they get are the lowest forms of boys exalting them. It's truly sad. You get the sense that this is the darkest part of the shadow that is cast by Paris and her friends and somehow these shadow dwellers think they have some equality with their Goddess. These are the people that will put themselves in danger to catch a glimpse of a superstar given the chance. You see them lining up on over packed sidewalks, being crushed by police barriers that are between them and true fame. They will stand in the most extreme weather conditions for hours, for a moment in the presence of their role model. It's amazing... That we let them do it.

I see them almost every night. Young girls without a clue. Believing that they are better people than we see them as. Believing that WE are actually the ones that have no clue and judging US on our social inadequacies. When they have no boy to tell them they how "hot" their tits are, they sit there, staring off into their futures and waiting for it to make it sense. Hoping that one day a Brad Pitt will see in them what he sees in Angelina. I mean, what does she have that they don't? (other than a firm grasp on world geography and genetic sexuality?)

You want to hug them (or hit them) and tell them that it's all wrong. You want to tell them that the path they are walking down doesn't have a glorious ending, but you know they wouldn't listen. There is nothing you can tell a youngster that will sink in. They feel like they know the deal and sadly, it will take them as long as it took you, or longer, to figure out that they don't. It's then that they can sit down and look at younger people the way you do now and shake their heads in amazement. There is just nothing anyone can do to end this cycle.

The song "changes" by David Bowie speaks of adults trying to speak to young adults and those young adults being immune to their consultation as they are aware of what they are going through. If this was true, then I think we would see less of this behavior or it means that we are all in serious trouble and we should elect Paris Hilton our next President. (she can't do any worse than our present one) I think David's words carried some weight several generations ago, but is less true in modern times. I don't think today's "youth" has any clue what is happening to them. If they did, I don't think they would, "like" be "so totally" excited about Ms. Hilton. "right?"

It's been theorized that what we see is actually part of a bigger plan by evil, male chauvinists that want to see a return to submissive roles for women. This is how it's supposed to work...

Men create an environment where they will they will only accept women based on their looks and all other attributes will be completely overlooked.

Women will then scramble to be one of the few women in the front of the pack, in order to receive the most attention. This will create a competitive environment where women will work against each other and thus destroy any chance they have of furthering this "equality" baloney, which only seems to inspire ugly clothes and conversations.

Women will only be allowed to stay at the top of the pack for a short time and then sent to the bottom of the pack in order to create confusion and doubt in their minds, thus creating a greater need for male acceptance to cure their pain, and a deeper sense of combativeness amongst women.

In order to maintain this cycle, it's important that the next generation of men not be worthy of challenging older males, so it's important that all they have to offer is youth. According to the plan, they should also be taught to be more aggressive, less restrained, and rude. Thus making them even less attractive options for the older, wiser, sexier women, and to make sure that they can continue the evil cycle with the women within their own age group.


If you think this is bullshit, I ask you to step inside your local school, local bar or local library... If you have one. There you will see the evil plan in action. You will see fewer youngsters in the library, but that's an important part of the plan. The ones you see in schools, bars and shopping areas are the affected. But, there are a few that get away. Those youngsters not trying to mimic a celebrity and are dressed rather "un-celebrity" are actually trying a different approach but are actually the same model of youth just with a shorted out wire. They too are part of the plan. They are used as examples to the other girls to show what can happen... Those youngsters that grow up to be the truly worthwhile individuals are... Hidden elsewhere. Making a life free of such bullshit.

It's hard to see these people every night. It's even harder to talk to them. It's amusing to listen to their big dreams, but it's odd to listen to them without wanting to result to violence. I do, however, enjoy seeing my evil plan come to pass... (insert wicked cackle here) They only thing that can be done to stop my evil plan is... A parent license law. Put an end to senseless breeding and we will see less free range stupid roaming around in the domestic jungle.