
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Where do you see yourself in five years? In ten years?

Health on my side.. I would like to have the first BOOK OF DANIEL ready for release. I would like to be living somewhere comfortable, writing, touring and laughing. I have no real image of a defined future that I can lay out for you. In ten years, I would like to think that I would be up for parole and ready to walk.
Will you get another dog when Heidi takes her leave?

Yes. There is a plan in the works to get another dog before she departs so that she can train it to country living. AND, Heidi would like a friend.

Will you one day have a place to call your own? Do you want that?

Sure, but it would still not be the goal for me to have a solid rock like base. I don't see myself as a stable person. ( I know there are some of you that will run with that one) I have lived a very transitory life for over twenty years and I am not sure if I am capable of staying put. However, living day to day means that you CAN stay in one place for up to twenty or thirty years, but you will only do so with the knowledge that you can leave at any moment. Not the best attitude to have when it comes to ownership.

What happened to your Garfield curtains? What was on them?

I think they were left behind in a trauma move when I was younger. I'm sure they have long since faded. I think the scene on them was Garfield napping over and over again. I think.

Where is the best place to hit someone to stop a fight and why?

Hit them in several places, choose your favorite or the most accessible. Knees - hurts like a bitch if you hit a knee in any of the directions that it doesn't bend in. Groin - on men, it's not the dick you're trying to get but the balls. A light grazing of the testes and its' rolling on the ground time. On women - It hurts, but not with the same magnitude. Throat - stops, drops and rolls them every time. It doesn't take that much force to be effective either. Take your finger and flick your throat very lightly. Add a little pressure and that's a stinger. Of course, if you can, grab a large mass of hair from the top of their head and pull it straight down in front of you and then bring anything up to meet their face. That should also do the trick. Most people can take a punch when a fight is on so don't rely on face punches or tummy slaps to do the trick.

Do you like to shop? What is your favorite store?

Yes, I do. My favorite time to shop is when I need things. I also enjoy the frivolous shopping when the items are purely vanity purchases or gifts to people that I know will enjoy them. However, I have trained myself to not buy things at all, just pick them up, think about it and then abandon them and walk away. It's shopping in harmony with my soul. I get the thrill of the purchase and the sense of relief of not having spent the cash. My favorite store - bookstores.

Why don't men like date to single mothers?

Oh, this should be obvious, but okay... They like you, but it's a lot to ask someone to not only get to know you, but your kids and their dads. It's not the sexiest notion that a man can have. I do know that men will date single mothers, but it's a harder break up and the single mothers can ask for more than a no-parent. For instance, a night with a single mother could be eating at Chuck E Cheese with kids or watching "Finding Nemo" instead of going to bar and then heading home to make a video... Men will do it, but they have to be in the right mood. I think it's the same mentality that women have with dating married men. They'll do it, if they're in the right mood, but not all the time. (I know, bring it on...)

Why don't men like to cuddle?

Cuddling, will happen. It won't happen after every sexual experience and it generally won't happen at the frequency that you want it too, but it will happen. Men like to cuddle, but they don't like to be forced into it. They can get kinda sick of being asked or pressured into it when they don't feel like it and that creates a stigma about cuddling. Men are more needy so therefore they will cuddle when they need it. Sadly, after sex isn't the best time to reach out to a man. They are no longer full of the love that they had for you before the orgasm and could care less that you are there. You want to cuddle, they want to move out. Give him some time. He's a cuddler, trust me.

What is the best city you have visited? Why?

Portland, Oregon. It's functional, clean, useful and I like the fact that it cultivates art, humor, thinking and topless bars. It's also a pretty beautiful city by design and minus the fact that you can't swim in the river that flows through it, it's a very healthy place to live.

Beauty and sexiness are different. How can sexiness be learned/taught?

Beauty is found in those lucky enough to be blessed by nature and maintained by those with large grooming budgets and time. Sexiness is pure personality. Sexiness is not found in size, color, textures or aromas. The great rub.. Sexy people are rarely beautiful by the standards of magazines. Beautiful people are so hung on being beautiful, that they never work on the traits that would make them sexy. Not so beautiful people have to work harder at attracting people so they work on their personalities which is how they become sexy. You can not make someone beautiful unless you have thousands of dollars of expendable cash to waste on surgery, but you can make someone sexy. Why do this? Because beauty fades and sexy is forever. To teach sexiness, it requires humbling the beautiful person and showing them their personality and making them see the obvious deficiencies. Usually, lack of effort, lack of variable interesting traits, and inability to promote sexy qualities over vanity. Beautiful people love their looks and it has worked for them their whole lives and they rarely have to use their personality to make friends, etc. So, in order to teach sexiness, you have to make them appreciate their personality over their looks. You have to make them abandon their passion for appearance and make them focus on self. I start by telling someone to tell me the story of themselves at 85. What kind of person are they - and work backwards from there until they see that they are shallow and empty - then help them fill that emptiness with personality. ( I can see I need to post this... )
What makes a good, interesting blog? Can anyone do it?

An interesting blog - Honest content. Can anyone do it - No. Sadly, most people write as if they are sending a note to a friend in high school. It's empty and contains nothing but fluff. To be interesting it should be focused, thoughtful and brutally true. Something that most people do not do in writing. They continue the lies they tell themselves in private in their written work. They don't include the truth as it should be but as they want it to be and that is where they die on the vine. They sound like everyone else and it's dull.

Your ideas may seem to radical for the "dime a dozen" type of person, what do you want those people to take from your writing?

I hope that people read this and just read it. I am not sure that everyone sees my humor or will agree with my viewpoint on everything. I know that most people that read this assume the worst of me and that does bother me from time to time. Especially when it comes to issues that involve racism, women's rights, children, gun ownership and fucking habits. When that happens, I think of the kind words that I get and I think they balance each other out. I know that there have been times when I have posted something and people have taken in a whole new direction from where I was writing it from, that's scary, but to be expected. How many ways can you say the same thing and make it's definition change each time? I thought that people would ask more questions about the roots of the writing, but I rarely see that. I usually get emails from people that have already decided the genesis and are writing to me to bash me, love me or laugh. I hope that the writing is enjoyed, appreciated and discussed. As any writer will tell you.

Some of the things people ask for the Questions Of The Weak are pretty dull... can you please tell your other readers to be more imaginative?

Yes, I can. Readers! Hey! Be more imaginative. Much like the person who asked this exciting, winner question.

Do you think it's possible/probable for men and women to both get what they want/need from a relationship?

This question is best answered on a person to person, couple to couple basis. Some men don't have the need or desire and some women don't either. Is it possible or probable? Yes, absolutely. It happens all the time. And if you can't get everything you need, you will get it elsewhere, is that any reason to end the relationship you're in? Did you ever play to ends against the middle? Everyone does it. No one person is perfect for another. Think of it as a 1000 piece puzzle that a few pieces are missing from. It's always been that way in every type of relationship, no matter what the dynamic.