
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Monday, August 01, 2005

requested #8

This one I am taking out of context, because I don't remember the context it was written in. This is an ooooooold one and I am not sure what it refers to. This is my attempt to cover all the bases.

The topic today: "When is enough?"

As you can see, I am not sure what to say. Enough? I think enough refers to a limit. A limit that is set for all things physical, mental, emotional, social, personal, and so on.

For example... Watching someone being tortured and you yell out, "ENOUGH!" You have SEEN enough and can't tolerate the emotions it is stirring up in you. On the flip side of this, Being tortured and you yelling out, "ENOUGH!" Physical limit tied in with emotional, especially if the torture involves the removal of body parts you are fond of.

I think that you can only take so much of one thing before you run out of reasons to explain it. Example; A woman who is beaten by her husband, finally leaves him when she has had enough. Not of him, but of the excuses and lies she has told herself to stay in the relationship. OR, A family that intervenes when a loved one has lived with a harmful addiction too long and they have had enough of IT.

There are physical "enough-isms"; Eating too much. Tickling. Oral sex after orgasm. Trying to balance an uneven haircut. There are social "enough-isms"; People with annoying voices, laughs, smells or faces. Jobs/careers. Hangouts. There are opinionated "enough-isms"; taste in music, hairstyles, clothes. friends. places you live. girlfriends/boyfriends.

There is no real way to measure "enough". Time is one way, I guess. But, for the most part, enough is just a feeling. It's subjective. Each one of us has different limitations and we decide through whatever filtering process we have, what is enough and what is okay. Personally, I have a pretty good tolerance and tend to let that be a bad thing. Letting something fester for a long time and not addressing it because I think I can take it. Of course, when I get to "enough" it's pretty bad by then. I know some people that would find "enough" a lot earlier than I do. Are they smarter? Perhaps. But, in this day and age, being able to "tough it out and take some more", basically pushing your level of "enoughness" past it's normal limits, is considered a good thing .( I am sure we can blame the Mexicans for this too, for introducing the word, "Macho" to our vocabulary). I think this has led to some serious mental and emotional problems in certain people over the years. Ever see someone who "saw too much" and lived to tell the tale? They don't look the same as they used too. They pushed past "enough" all to be macho.

It's a curious word and it's overlooked in importance. Thank you for the topic, I wish I could remember the context for which you were referring. I'm sure it was sexual, but you will have to write in and clarify.

Enough of this.