
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Funny moments that make a man

I am not normally interested in making the scene. I didn't say, making A scene, which I am a master at doing. No, I said, making THE scene, which is something that my whole life, I could have cared less about.

I don't want the party, the concert, the place-to-be, the hang out, the latest trend, the coolest look, the smartest hair, the smoothest car, the hippest chick or the best of the best. I don't need the most, the best, the longest or the first. I don't seek the prize, the glory, the top of the podium or the record. I need none of these things. What I want is somewhere just below the best and the brightest. Something just shy of the greatest. Sometimes the reason I want it is that no one else does. Sometimes it's just nostalgia or a look, but it's rarely is the reason pushed on to me. I like things my own way and I don't expect anyone to understand nor do I feel I need to make them understand.

It has been said that there are alpha males and beta males and alpha females and beta females. The Alphas are go-getters, self motivated, must win, competitive types whereas Betas are followers, buyers-in and humble. Alphas are the leaders, Betas the worker bees. Alphas, the trend setters. Betas the crippled masses. However, what is missing from this system, as far as I know, is the Omega types. A personality that is neither humble nor aggressive. Someone who came up in the tribe their own way, but it does not seek to be the leader nor cares to follow. The hermits, the loners, the outsiders. Omegas...

Alphas want people to listen and make waves whenever possible. They are quick on the trigger and willing to fight for any reason that suits them. Betas could care less and watch it all happen. They are less likely to voice an opinion and less likely to stand up for anything unless they are told too. Omegas, don't care what either side is doing and could care less what the Alpha wants to do and is dumbfounded by the Beta. ( as are the Alphas. Betas are truly weird people to watch ) Omegas see the through line. Where Alphas see a short term solution with no care for the long term success. Betas hope for the best,but rarely see anything. Alphas make history, Betas are the numbers that fill history books (as in number of dead at the battle of Agincourt, population of Des Moines, number of people killed by chicken flu, etc. ) Omegas are the ones that are stand alones that history only sees one of. Einstein, Tesla, Prince, Corey Haim.

I guess you learn in childhood where you stand in the herd. Do you pick the game that everyone plays on the playground? Are you the best player? Are you filler to even up the sides? Are you the person picking the teams? The last picked? Or a utility choice, picked somewhere in the middle? OR do you even play at all?

Depending on the game or sport, I was picked first or dead last. As a fat kid, I learned to dread the line up for basketball, monkeybar wars, soccer, and dodgeball. However, football, wrestling and baseball, my size had advantages. Other sports that saw me first picked; anything that involved a tetter-totter, tug of war and red rover. Last picked every time; relay teams in track. I was made an Omega by size. Forced out as I was too fat to be followed, too strong to follow and too stubborn to care. Omega...

My place in the herd was established by my size. Not my spirit or personality. This allowed me to avoid being picked, or not being picked, by loyalty of friendship or hatred by enemy. Something most children should enjoy. The freedom to be "you" and be respected for that without having to worry about social stigmas. Of course, this is being said now that I am older, thinner and aware that most of those kids turned out to be the worthless pieces of shit I knew they were at the time.

I was fat, yes, but I was a pimp as a child. Kissing a lot of girls and... other things. I was also a minor celebrity to the one or two friends that I choose to befriend. They were usually the less liked children on the edge of social grace and I found that those people would be the formula for my best friendships through out life. The best people are the people that don't feel the social tug of the popularity strings. These people are free to explore all the quirky interests that make life so colorful and allow Hobbits, Dungeons and Dragons and Atari to be cool on a certain level. These people allow all of us to follow them silently and wisely as they see something that the Alpha never sees. Success without glory. Salvation without fame. It keeps our entire world in check from those that would lead us so quickly down dark and disasterous paths. (by the way, the Hobbit thing...this part of my life didn't make me a pimp with the ladies, but the girls that were interested in these things, turned out to be the coolest chicks as adults, the so called, popular girls are still worthless to anyone, including themselves)

So being on the Omega side of things allows for priceless freedoms to roam freely in the world without concern for other's acceptance or other's presence. There is a solace in being the only one that matters without the burden of feeling like you need to share or lead or fight. There is a zen like existence in being outside of the alpha/beta world. An Omega will be the first person to travel to the end of our universe by themselves without anyone watching. A Beta would go if an Alpha told them and an Alpha would go if everyone would watch.

I am not someone who needs much. I rarely want to own anything or make too much of something else. I am not greedy or power mad, however, when I do want something, it's rare and I chase after it. I don't feel like I need to have a million of them or have the best one, I just want, "the one".

I never lost a game of red rover. That makes me the best ever.