
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Saturday, July 09, 2005

queer eye for the straight chicken

The peeps have grown and are sizable enough to roam free range around the ponderosa. It's a lovely sight. Chickens doing their thing. It makes you feel like you are on a farm. There is constant scratching and pecking and the cuckles are just soft enough to sound like boiling food. Which, in a way, is what some of these beauties are. You can't keep all the chickens, one rooster is enough. Too many cocks and there is fighting and such forth. So, some are gonna get it. Yum. You could say that sometimes it pays to be the cock of the walk. Weed out the weak and eat them righteously. There deserve it.

One of the more singular moments of joy that can be had with suck a flock is to throw fruit or veggies to them and watch one chicken strike out for it and then run away from the others that chase it fervently to steal the booty away. It's a wonderful sight. It's not "must see tv", but it's real entertainment on a base level that you can't get anywhere. To add real spice to the moment, you can spread some styrofoam pieces around and watch a chicken discover it and again, try to avoid being smeared by the rest of the flock as it runs away to protect it's find. Of course, it can't eat the styrofoam so the process perpetuates itself for hours of chicken pecking fun. You should all try it some time.

The sun is out, the iced sun tea is soothing and having the family around is making for a great July. There is contentment in their presence that is always missed when we scatter to the four winds for employment. The next two months will be trying as I head east for some work in Michigan, my mother continues on her path to career glory and the brother heads back to the far east to quench his thirsts. With any luck, the fall will bring us back together for another month of joy. Hopefully there won't be as much labor involved with the next pow wow.

I have come to realize that Jamoaca Almond Fudge Ice Cream from Baskin Robbins is quite possibly the best thing that has ever been concocted. What ever genius came up with the flavor combination that graces my lips at this moment should be sainted and immortalized in statues, all across the land. I think that I, too, would run to avoid having to share my tasty treat should others try to take it from me. I am not as graceful in my defense as the chickens are of theirs, but I understand the motivation.