
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Friday, April 07, 2006

updates for all of you

1. Dizziness. Whatever it is, it's manageable. I don't mind it and it seems to be less of an issue every day. Thank you all for your emails and phone calls of concern but I am okay.

2. Home. It's been a close one. And it came down to Calgary, Montreal and Seattle. Seattle won. Sorry Calgary. Sorry Montreal. You'll have to wait your turn. The good news is that I do plan on being in Montreal this summer and I will someday call both Montreal and Calgary home, just not this year. Sorry. I move this week.

3. Immigration. For some reason the Mexicans are rioting. The only reason this is newsworthy, itsn't the rioting, but the actual real time visualization of just how many latinos have made it across safely. I think this is the first time in history that anyone, including the Latinos, have had any idea just how many are really here. Sadly, their numbers overshadowed the smaller, less well known Canadian demonstration. All 104 illegal Canadians, mostly entertainers, got together and showed their displeasure with the new proposed law. I think they gathered at a Pub and watched the Montreal - Ottawa game and to mark their protest, they watched it without the volume up. My take on immigrants - who cares. America is defined in this dynamic way.. Either you're screwing the system or the system is screwing you. There is no middle ground. Think of your own American life. What are you doing to screw the system and how many times has the system screwed you?

4. Books. Their coming.

5. Tours. Please refer to the danielrock.com web site for all things Daniel Rock comedy related. I will say that next week in Spokane, the club has actually billed me correctly as an Edgy, hysterical and a can't miss. FINALLY!!!! The audiences have been forewarned.

6. Friends. I will call you back or text you or email you... Very, very soon. I am spending too much time on the phone with bookers and scanning Craigslist.com for apartments to get back to anyone. I will do it. Starting Monday I will get on the contact.

7. No, there will be no QUESTIONS OF THE WEAK for Europe. I am trying to answer all your questions privately, however some of the questions have been pretty good and would be fun to answer.

8. From now on the blog will no longer be "color commentary from the forgotten mountains" it will now be "color commentary from oz".