
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

final solution

Yes, there are photos coming and let me first say... AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH. It feels so good to have my own computer beneath my fingers. No more searching on European keyboards for the Y or the @ keys. I reread most of the invasion series and I apologize for the quality. There was no rewrites or edits on any of them and they went out without scrutiny. The quality was shit as far as I am concerned and I wish I could go back and tweek some of the posts.

The updates...

My health - My feet are doing better and it helps that I am no longer wearing the fucking sketchers. A few days and they should be good paws again. My brain is still loopy, but manageable. I don't know what it is and really, I don't care. My fat is decreasing but I am working on making that more of a focus. And I am still not smoking. Yes, I made it through Canada and Europe without one cigarette. I hate being a non-smoker and if my looks continue to dive down below the "shouldn't breed" line, then I am re-upping and lighting up again. If you're ugly, what difference does it make if you smoke? Really?

My career - I have shows this weekend and a some shows in and around my own area. Beyond that, it's pretty thin. I need to get some professional help with my writing, sort of a physical therapist for writers. You know, little sit ups and little push ups so I can strengthen my writing skills.

Home - Heidi didn't recognize me.

The last moments in Europe were colorful and I must say that I left more clothes in Europe than I brought home. Some lucky devil is wearing my old sweats as we speak. I'm sure he is either wearing them and looking cool while smoking his cigarettes or he is using my sweats to wipe the cum off his chest after making some quick cash for some smack.

I rose early, got on the train and made it to the airport in ten minutes. This was poor planning on my part and I had three hours to kill before my flight. Sadly, there was no food to eat in the airport that was worth mentioning. This saddened me as I was hoping to carry with me some terrific gas on to the enclosed airtight container for the next nine hours. Instead, I went empty.

The plan was to sleep all the way home, however I left at 1 PM on Monday and arrived in Cincinnati at 4 PM on Monday and I didn't sleep a wink the entire way, why? Because the plane was loaded with 200 plus Mormon missionaries returning home and an equal amount of European beauties heading to America to make American women jealous. The airline, in all of it's wisdom, stocked the plane with a series of Mormon friendly movies to watch, "Prime" a movie about an older woman who screws a younger man and tells her therapist about it, the therapist is the young man's mother. It's a comedy, it's got some sultry moments and I'm sure those Mormon men were loving the images with the presence of all those love beauties nearby. It was hilarious. (other movies - the family stone, aeon flux and mormon men gone wild).

I didn't sleep at all. I stayed awake, watched movies, used the potty a lot and made lists of food that I wanted to eat when I got home.

The rest of the trip was quick. However I will say this about Delta airlines, If they ever strike and you see them picketing for days on end. Cross that line and laugh at them. As you pass say loudly, "sucks to stand in lines for hours and not know what's going on, doesn't it?" I have no sympathy for airline personnel.

The final assessment of Europe. Good use of space. I wish they would celebrate their history with more fanfare. Sadly, their balance and distribution of Pride to Shame is desperately in need of reworking. It's hard to experience without being able to comment. Finally, Europe is desperately in need of some organization. There is too much spread out over too large an area. Gather all that art and stick it in one location. Get rid of some of the lesser known artists that don't attract enough tourists to justify their being shown at all. Get the David, the Mona Lisa, and Geurnica and put it in one place, charge two hundred euro and let the tourists take their digital photos. Then, make an easy tour to follow that covers all battlefields, cemetaries, monuments, buildings of note and birthplaces. One tour. One Europe. One Fee. This should elminate a lot of needless tourism that the Europeans seem to both abhor and rely on. I can't believe that I have to go to Belgrade just to see one thing and that I need to go to Madrid just to see one painting and then I have to buy a different book for each city I visit so I can figure out where to go, where to stay and where to eat. One book. One tour. One Europe. Free Mandela!!!!!!

Home again and working hard to reclaim the readership that I lost in the heyday of my brain fart. I am working hard on getting my writing back to where it should be.

With each trip abroad, I learn new things about myself and with this trip I have learned the importance of doing it while you still can. I have a deep desire to see Machu Pichu in Peru, and that is where I am going as soon as I can. Go, Daniel go. Go while you can. See what there is to see while you can. Spread the word of art consolidation and change the world of tourism forever. Be a pioneer and change the way we travel abroad.

Machu Pichu... Then the Yucatan penisula.... Then Nova Scotia. That would leave Africa and Australia for me to see. However, there is nothing on either continent that draws me in.. Well... those pyramids in Melbourne...

Photos tomorrow