
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

photos of the most recent invasion

Okay. Here's the deal. I wasn't camera friendly for the first few days and so today's post of the first week is pretty shitty. In total, I took 300 photos on my trip. Of that, only maybe 25 are of the first week. Illness and taking the trip for granted limited the visual memories. So, let's begin....

Slobo's kid in the Amsterdam airport. He was picking up his dad who had just died in custody. (that's a lesson to you Saddam. Watch your back!) This man's father was a mass murderer, I only mention that because the mass murder theme would reoccur during the entire invasion.

This is Europe. My first impression. A large bike parking lot. Europeans love their Huffys and their Schwinns. If you think there isn't any crime among pot smokers, remember this... all these bikes are locked.

The red light district. This is the best photo you can take of the area without large men coming over to you and beating you to a pulp (that costs an extra 10 Euro). I wanted to take photos of the girls, but that's illegal. Peeing in their mouth's... That's legal. (and an extra 50 Euro)

The first "European" building of note. There was a literary event occuring inside. All the great Dutch writers were there to pick the best of the best. YES, all those famous Dutch writers like... Like.... Like.... Well, all of them anyway. Nice building though.

I bet you're thinking, "Hey! That's that tower in Toyko!" And you would be right. This is a duplicate of the one in Toyko. This photo is actually the bulk of my Paris "day". I saw it all and passed a resolution to never be French.

The grave of Jim Morrison. Notice that the fans of Jimmy have cleaned up their act. No graffiti. It was cleaned up so that Jim could stay in the cemetary. Apparently you can get kicked out of cemetaries for being too rowdy. Not unlike getting kicked out of a bar because your friends are too rowdy. There is a security officer that stands ten feet from the grave to insure that no one does anything, "Doors-esque". The note on the grave says, "Break on Through, Jim, Break on Through". Voltaire, Balzac, Sarah Bernhardt, and some of famous people are also buried here. Their graffiti wasn't as cool and there were no notes left on their graves.

Jeff Justus. The other comic that came to Europe for 40 hours and then left. That's just enough time to suffer through jet lag, do two shows and then get up and leave. This is after the first show, drinking in Germany. Jeff likes to drink. Even six or seven 8.5 beers didn't slow him down.

The first castle. This is quite a hike to get to. I don't recommend this castle as most of it's gone or off limits. And, as Jeff will tell you, there is no Dungeon.

The view from the Hiedelburg castle into the town of Hiedelburg. Lovely town. I know nothing about this town or the view, but aren't the buildings neat?

Inside the Castle. This part of the castle is a nod to the Romans. The building is beautiful, but strikingly out of place for Germany.

One wall of what would have been a really cool building if Germany hadn't started a second war and pissed off the Americans so much that they bombed the shit of EVERYTHING they could.

The world's largest keg of booze. It's empty, so you can relax. It took Jeff a few moments to leave this room. Notice that the entire castle has been completely destroyed from bombings and neglect, but not the booze. The booze is safe.

This is just a warm up for the rest of Italy. In fact, if you want to know the truth. Everyone entering Italy ought to do so in Pisa. It's a shit town and a quick stop. But it's a good tester for the rest of the trip. And yes, That's THE tower in the background.

Said famous tower of note. It leans, and you can climb it. For 6 Euro. God built this tower according to Italian legend. It's not uncommon for the catholics to believe in weird shit and cast aside common sense, so this fantasy came as no surprise to me. Towers and Christians go back a long way, think Babel...

This is a statue of Romulus and Remus suckling from a wolf. These two twin sons of Mars are responsible for the creation of Rome (well Romulus, hence Rome, Italy and not Reme, Italy). They were raised by a wolf after being abandoned by their mother. Like I said, Catholics will believe in the weirdest shit if it means their women will only wear tiny skirts to school. This statue can be found everywhere in Italy, this is the first one I saw. (remember you can't spell Bestiality without I-T-A-L-Y)

I thought it would be neat to see the tower leaning the other way for a change. In fact, if you want, take the photo and photo shop it into an upright position.

Tomorrow... Florence, Rome, Venice, Munich, Dachau, Frankfurt and Nazis. Like I said, this wasnt' the best tour for photos.