
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Monday, August 08, 2005

mountains to climb

WOW! What an overwhelming response. There are more questions about the QOTW post than there were questions in the QOTW post, you people are colorful. I wasn't even aware of how many people that knew me, read this. There needs to be a name for those of you who read this and don't contact me about it on a regular basis. Something fitting... "Closeted Danists", that seems appropriate. It seems to paint a picture of the daily or weekly reader that chooses to read on without comment.

Of course, the QOTW were pretty telling stuff and the majority of the questions centered around swinging and bisexuality. There was a lot of hate mail and a lot of "you give me strength" and "you are so brave" emails. The questions that revolve around swinging are probably best answered in your own community, in your own relationships and in your own circle of friends. Open the floor to discussion with all of these facets and see what you get. Asking me to justify or defend it seems silly when you think about it. I am willing to answer some of the questions, but I can't answer questions like, "what will he think?".

The bisexual questions are a hoot. I am surprised at the number of you willing to tell me that you too, are bisexual. I think that's great, but I am the last person you need to tell. I'm sure there is a family, friends and a lover that would like to hear it too. Start with them, and then we can talk. Live honestly or don't live at all. It took guts to tell me, I bet it felt good, but now you need to tell the people that it will make the biggest splash with. Don't' be shy, what difference does it make? It may make you feel better to tell them.

I will post the answers to your questions some time this week. I can't do it now, there is too much to do. Presently, the Forgottens are on fire not ten miles from my home and the large cloud of smoke is a constant reminder that I may not live here very long if the wind changes direction. The week long heat wave finally took it's toll and the fire has nothing but recently dead plants, grass, wheat and trees to burn up. The idea that they are going to put it out, anytime soon, is foolish. That sucker has room to move. I wonder why no one thinks this fire is a disaster yet? I wonder if celebrities will hold a fire relief concert for us.

The rest of my free computer time will be spent loading my Ipod. Presently I have 600 songs from all genres and I have just a few more songs to go before I have put every tolerable song that I have ever heard on there. There are a few songs that the titles are escaping me and that is killing me. They are so obscure that no one can help me either. It doesn't help to ask someone if they know "that song, by that guy, a few years ago. No, I don't know who it is or how it goes." That doesn't seem to work. I did find it funny that when I was loading my 80's hair band music that most of it was corrupted or wouldn't load. It's like it knew it was white trash and was behaving as such. Even the punk music loaded with no problem. I did notice that certain artists would load at lightning speed. The formula for success seemed to be; whatever music that nerds or children listen to would load with the greatest of ease. It was incredibly difficult to find, "Rondine al Nido" but not hard to find, "Punk Rock Girl".

All this going on and I haven't even been able to concentrate on future plans. I leave on Sunday for a tour out east. I will be going to Kansas City for a few days, then Michigan, then Toronto, back to Michigan, back to KC and then the long trek home. All in all, two weeks of driving. Gas is 2.50 a gallon up here, it better get cheaper as I head east. If not, don't expect anymore touring out me. The blog will be neglected on heavy driving days so don't lay into me for skipping. I will get back to it.

The mountains burn, the music is loading and the heat continues. It seems like a good time to head east. Play safe.