
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Monday, July 11, 2005

tabla raza

I can't begin to tell you how excited I am about Karl Rove's problem. He finally got caught, sort of, being the ass I told you he was. This time he leaked top secret information to the press to punish someone for not seeing things the way he sees them. His bravado cost a CIA agent her cover and the White House some validity points. Not that he cares. He has spent the past twelve years becoming the most powerful man in the world. How? By manipulation of all that is holy. He is a genius. And he is George Bush's brain. As the most powerful man in the world, he could care less that his little act of indiscretion was discovered. I think we can all learn something from this and there is a positive turn on this issue. Karl Rove stands a hero for all ugly people that have always wanted to fulfill the old adage of "one day I will make all the pretty people pay. You'll see!" Yes, he is the modern day hero for the ugly, lonely, uncool man of the new century. He is the new J. Edgar Hoover. The new Adolf Hilter. He is your parent's own version of Steve Buscemi. Ugly, focused, and pissed off.

I don't want to spend the time thinking about him if I can, there are so many other pressing issues working in the world today that require my attention. For example, "What does this administration want with all these child molesters?" and "Why are we still talking about gay marriage?" and "What is Subway doing in Iraq?". All these things require some thought, but they seem to be related in some way. This is what I have got so far...


Any sex offender is required to register his whereabouts (I don't say her because how often do we see female sex offenders?). The idea behind this is that we can track known criminals and keep our steally eyes on them. The law has been in place for ten years and it is worthless. Mostly. Before the law, children disappeared just as frequently but we never heard about it. Children were touched, snatched or had other ghastly things done to them and the public was left in the dark about it. Then the "polly law" and the "amber alert" came to pass and now we hear about everything. Maybe this is the real meaning of "no child left behind."

If I show you something that inspires you to react emotionally, you will disregard all logic to resolve that issue. For example, shark attacks are everywhere! We must kill sharks would be your answer. Then all I have to do is say, "we can't move the sharks, they are protected." Then you would say, stop protecting them and make me safe. I get to move the sharks and then the water they swim in is now open for whatever purpose I see fit. I created hysteria to achieve a predetermined goal and it worked for me. Now all I have to do is stop reporting the shark attacks and you think I am a savior. The twist, there were no more shark attacks than normal average per year, I just made it look like there were by reporting each incident something that had never happened before, but to you, it's new and it looked scary. You did exactly what I wanted and I got what I wanted from you, permission. (which the government knows it needs from it's people if it is to act inappropriately. Not that we punish our government, but they don't want to go down in history as bad people)

With that same system of thinking I can say, "Criminals are attacking are children." You react, "oh no! Something must be done." I say, "Well, we have already registered them on a database". You respond, "good, I feel better." Then I start to report every abduction and molestation. You get scared, angry and want something done. I catch said criminal and you see that it works. Then I start to show you other crimes. You respond the same way. I tell you that there is no criminal database. You respond, "make one!" I get to pass a law that requires every criminal tell us their whereabouts at all times. Crimes get commited, I tell you it was solved, you feel safe. It's not that more crimes were commited, but I made it seem like there were. You got scared and spent money and allowed me to bend the rules. As long as you think you are not a criminal, you don't think this violation of the constitution will apply to you. Until you get caught running a red light and are then required to tell someone everytime you take a piss and where.

But why do all of this, well, it is just another way certain money interests can monitor our behavior. It sounds odd, but remember what I said about prisons a few months ago. It's gooooooood money. Not only will we need more people to monitor the monitored, but we will need more people and more, more expensive equipment to catch all the naughty people. Someone has to create the new, more expensive equipment and someone has to build the new jails and the new adminstration building and the new... ad nauseaum. The more big brother knows about us, the more they can control us. And by controling us, I mean they can manipulate the system so they can get away with things that they don't want us to know about and would never think they would do. The great irony to all of this is, we will ask them to do it. We are the most glorious sheep in the whole world.

Gay Marriage.

Marriage, smarriage. go ahead. Marry whomever you choose. I think it's time we start adding new fuel to the "sanctity of marriage" issue. If marriage is so sacred and "gay marriage" is such an afront to marriage, the "institution", then why don't hetero couples get angry when women marry a man for money? Or when a man gets a bride mail order? Or when someone marrys to get a green card? Or when someone marrys to get a tax break? Or when someone gets married so a child won't be a bastard? Are those not afronts to the sacrament of marriage? Isn't marriage for any reason other than love an afront to marriage? I think we can put marriage on the level of entertainment now. It's more about the ceremony, staging, exculsion and scandal than anything else. I said it before and I will say it again...

Ask anyone who has ever been married and divorced. What was more exciting and which was done for the right reason?


When fighting an invisible monster, it's best to do so with only six grams of fat in your system. Get 'em, Jared! You killer you. There is nothing like a footlong meatball sandwich on whole wheat after a long day of being terrified in the hot sun. Subway is in Iraq. And Joshua Greenway was killed and was sent home. I'm sure his family will feel better knowing that more money was spent on food than on armor. How many stamps do you get for that?