
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Thursday, July 20, 2006

requested #19

Fox News

If you watch it, they will come.

If there was ever a time in our history where humanity needed an invincible superhero or a swift kick in the balls, this is it. If you were ever fascinated by the Nazi propaganda machine and it's effectiveness over the German people, then open your eyes and look at the world around you. You will witness the effectiveness of propaganda at its most effective level. Propaganda works.

I try to be part of the world that puts the L-I-F-E back in to the word LIFE. I want the people that experience my work to come away from it feeling that their life was made better for having done so. I want it to be constructive, creative, and colorful if at all possible. I want there to be a sense of peace and calm associated my work. And I want there to be a deeper appreciation of your world that comes from a deeper understanding of it. That's the point anyway.

Having said that, I must acknowledge the most popular alternative.

There is in the universe, a place where all that is good is sucked into a vacuum and destroyed by ultra-violet rays of pure evil. (and I say this in the nicest possible way) It's a place that all great things in our universe have found their end and all bad things have found a well spring from which to flow.

Fucks news is the latest and greatest version of evil. It's pure hatred, wrapped up in lies, deceit, greed and power. Of course, that's just the illusion.

At first glance you would think it was a mouthpiece for the American conservative right, but if you look closer, you'll see that that is just a front for a much deeper kind of evil. It's the kind of evil that doesn't care about politics or sides or cause. It's the evil that goes by a much deeper motivation. The worst kind of all - "because I can". That's it. It does what it does, because it can. It is driven by a need to show the world that it can do whatever it wants, whenever it wants and there is NO ONE that can stop them. No one. The political agenda is just because it wanted to see how far it could go with lying and get away with it. And nothing says, "lying" like the American conservative right.

It answers to no one. The just and righteous of the world don't have the heart that it takes to fight it so it lives on unchecked. It has complete autonomy and is truly above reproach. It has these things, not because it has money, not because it is beautiful, and not because it is stronger than the rest of the world. It has this power because the just and righteous of the world handed it to them on a silver platter. Which is the worst kind of evil that you can find - Evil that is born out of a act of kindness.

Fucks news came on the mass media radar when the air waves were quickly filling with dull, lifeless CNN copycat networks. A young upstart television network with only enough programming for Sunday nights was given a chance on the big media stage. Their fearless leader of the Fucks network realized that they weren't going to get very far if they just became another CNN knock off, so he created what he called at the time, "a network that reports the news in a way that is both informative and entertaining." The "entertaining" comment was mostly overlooked at the time. I mean, no one thinks news can be entertaining. Besides, everything entertaining that this guy had come up with had failed miserably and he was making a name for himself as the man who knew how to pick a loser every time. So the world let his little claim slide and just braced themselves for another CNN. And when the Fucks news programs hit the air waves, everyone just thought they were crazy for the crap that they were reporting on it. Fucks seemed destined to fall flat on it's face.

Fucks news started as a crazy alternative to the news. A fresh new look at the way news is reported. It's called, "Consequences be damned". Who cares what is reported on how, just as long as it's different. Fucks news got it right. People loved it. People that were tired of CNN and Dan Rather. They just ate it up.

Television is all about money. Money comes from advertising. Advertising costs are determined by ratings. Ratings are determined by how many people are willing to watch what you put on the air. So if you want people to watch, you have to do what the other guy isn't willing to do or isn't doing. Fucks news was quickly building a loyal following and Fucks started to see their money/power/control start to build momentum.

Do I blame Fucks news for trying to make a buck? No. It's television. It's the same medium that brought you ALF and DUKES OF HAZZARD. It's not reality, nor is it meant to be. It's just entertainment. It's our fault for making them who they are.

Evil, as many of you know, is power left unchecked. It is power for power sake. Fucks news is just such an evil.