
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

i'm a veterinarian from veterinaria

September, 2001. In a speech given to a grieving and angry America, President George W. Bush proclaims that anyone known to be harboring terrorists willingly will hereby be considered an enemy of America. Anyone not willing to aide America in it's search and destroy mission for terrorists will also be labeled an enemy of America. "You're either with us or against us!" These words went out and most of America cheered. Most, but not all. Some were smart enough to know that these words carried with them a tempest from which there is no safe harbor.

It was soon after these profound proclamations that America targeted it's first financially prosperous enemy - Afghanistan. It was said, by those we always refer to as, "they" as in, "they say that it's going to rain today" that our primary target, Osama Bin Laden was headquartered there. Anyway, the word went out and America, along with the rest of the world, invaded Afghanistan and in mere moments - decimated the country and with it, it's government, it's religion and it's people. The entire system of government was imprisoned or killed. In less than three weeks, America had put in place a new government that was willing to let America suck all the oil it wanted out of Afghanistan. Osama Bin Laden was nowhere to be found, but that didn't matter. Revenge wasn't what America wanted after September 11th.

Second on the must have list was Iraq. Actually, Iraq wasn't really listed in the top twenty or the top thirty, but somehow it had made it's way to second. The list of seriously threatening combative countries went something like this: Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan, Somalia, Libya, Malaysia, Pakistan, (then the rest of the "STANS" of former Russia), then a bunch of countries in Africa, then some in Europe, and then finally, coming in a near dead last - Iraq. It turns out that Iraq was a bit out of resources and friends. It was a pissed off country, but not a real threat. We were actually in more danger from Canada. What pushed Iraq into second was again, the financially prosperous factor. Iraq, jumped past all the real serious contenders to become number two.

The invasion of Iraq began and the war was over in less than two weeks. Less than five Americans died. When the war ended too quickly, America and friends needed reasons to continue to their fantastic revenue stream. There was the option of finding a new country on the list to invade, but the other countries that were helping us were a little put out that America wasn't actually "going after" the enemy and they didn't want to just keep helping America raise cash. That and they wanted to start going after the countries on the list. America knew that the rest of the countries on the list were actually more of a financial risk with little gain and they didn't want to "go after" a lost cause. They would have gone after the next three financially prosperous countries, but they were; China, Venezuela and Canada and it was going to be a hard sell to push war with these countries. Especially since Canada was helping us. Unless you are willing to believe that some of the hijackers were named Ali Muhammad Gomez, Shabbaz Hu and Abu LaFleur, America had to come up with a new reason to keep on fighting.

We are now years into the war with the rest of the world. Most of the countries that started off as our friends are now out of the picture. China has become a huge powerhouse. Canada is working hard to distance itself from America. A lot to ask considering it's the closest country TO America. Venezuela is the second most powerful country on the list due to it's oil reserve, which makes it's attractive and indeed some steps are being taken to get in there. Russia is turning against us and they make a great next target, but they don't have enough brown people for America to attack. They're some great targets, but why go through all the trouble of relocating the war when you can milk the one you have.

You're either with us or against us - Never have more prophetic words been spoken. The world was with us and now they are against us. There are few places on the globe where Americans are allowed to gather en masse without raising some eyebrows of the locals.

We toppled Afghanistan because we were told that they were friendly with Osama Bin Laden. We fucked them up hard. Saddam Hussein was supposedly a friend of Osama so we took him out. (When was the last time he was on trial?) Now, we don't have any body else on the list that is friends with Osama other than Saudi Arabia, Syria, America and Malaysia. But no word yet on whether or not they are next.

As for Osama himself - He's still out there. Running the organization responsible for this whole thing. Where is he? Well, according to the "they's" he's in Pakistan, where he's been all along. So why haven't we invaded Pakistan?

"We can't invade Pakistan because it's a sovereign nation and to invade it would be illegal. To enter the country with our army would amount to nothing more than an occupation and unjustifiable in the eyes of the world community. We just can't invade every country that we suspect has terrorists in it. Don't worry, we'll get him." - George W. Bush, July 1, 2006.

Today is the Fourth of July. On this date, two hundred and thirty years ago, a group of men made up primarily of rebels, rogues and terrorists, came up with a plan to break away from the then super-power of the world and start their own country. They choose to use violence as a method to show the world and their oppressors their resolve on this matter. The super-power didn't like the idea and they sent in an army to crush this rebellion. Seven years later, the super-power packed up and left America with their tale between their legs. They failed to squash the rebellion and instead only succeeded in showing the world their true weaknesses. In the years that followed, other countries under the super-power's control would successfully revolt using techniques that America's rebellion had taught them. Ironically, the only country that still seems willing to aide America in it's recent campaign is England, the former super-power.

On this day, America recognizes it's own independence... Sadly, only from England. In every other possible definition of the phrase and the word... We aren't so lucky.