
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Monday, June 26, 2006

11 weeks. count em down.

Starting today I am officially a normal human being. Today, at 4 AM PST I start my normal day job, just like everyone else. Today, in the late June sun, I start bringing home legit bacon for my BLT lifestyle. Today, I put myself.... Out there...

Basically I start working for the guy that owned that Kubota dragon. He liked me enough from a month ago to offer me a job and I took it. He knows I only have these 11 weeks open in my tour schedule and he still offered me a pretty lucrative position. When I say lucrative I mean it pays well. When I say it pays well, I mean it pays me a lot. When I say it pays a lot, I mean it takes care of the bacon and eggs. When I say bacon and eggs.... I mean, it pays for me to see Tuva in November.... on the back of a motorcycle. Those are some pretty amazing bacon and eggs!

So forgive me if I don't get around to the deep and colorful posts that you have grown to know me for. Most likely you with either see these posts come late in the afternoon or very early in the morning like this one. Either way, the next 11 weeks, Daniel and Humility go toe to toe, in a winner take all fight to the death.

And, of course, there will be photos....

Quest for the day, should you be interested - What causes hiccups and what are the known cures?