
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Thursday, January 26, 2006


If you have ever ordered a dessert at a fancy restaurant, you might have experienced what I like to call, "short on the shortening". It's when you drop ten bucks on a delicacy and it shows up on a huge plate, surrounded by swirls of chocolate, raspberry sauce, and mint leaves, but the dessert, itself, is no bigger than a bite-sized snicker bar. A lot of hype, little return. When you see the waiter coming toward your table, your heart leaps. Your heart rate increases and your mouth begins to water. Then the dish is placed in front of you and the record scratches. You don't order diet sized desserts. You order dessert because you want to be bad and naughty and overindulge. This pea sized lump of sugary sweetness is an insult. You're offended.

It's actually #8 on my pet peeve list.

I am a dessert fan. I could eat dessert as a meal. I could subsit on dessert. I have dreams about swimming in pools of chocolate mousse, and tiramisu. I want a bed made from whipping cream that I can sleep on and... other things. Dessert is the treat that we give ourselves for living with ourselves day and day out. It's not easy to live with self-imposed cowardice and dessert represents a little bit of courage and a big, "fuck you" to the limits that we are forced to live with. Dessert is a reward for making it to the promise land. It's a small taste of freedom.

Of course, you cannot live on dessert alone. First - it's not healthy, and second - it would no longer be a treat if you ate it everyday. It would become part of the system that keeps you down. It would become, "the meal". Not that you would live long enough to ever hate eating dessert day after day. Your heart or kidneys would give out within the first year, or you would end up falling victim to an accident brought on by sugar shock - like driving your car into a wall at 90 miles an hour, or walking into a wall at 90 miles an hour. Perhaps, we should make it illegal to let people drive under the influence of sugar.

It's because we can't live on it everyday and every meal, that makes dessert so special and therefore, so desirable. Almost fetish-like. We know it's wrong, but we love things that are bad for us. Sadly, we have to restrain ourselves and limit our intake of the things we love, to protect our health, to insure that we will be able to enjoy the things we love again, and to increase the pleasure of the things we love by doling them out in small doses over a period of time. If you never really satisfy a desire, the desire just gets stronger. As they say, "if you have never eaten forbidden fruit..."

Sadly, you can go too far... If you have ever eaten an entire half gallon of ice cream, you might have noticed that the first twenty bites were better than the last twenty bites. AND, when the gorging has past, the physical discomfort you have to endure strips away some of the sinful pleasure and grounds the part of the brain responsible for future fantasy fulfillment. It's during all that moaning and groaning that we swear we will never indulge another fantasy (don't worry, this evil sentiment will pass). Everyone has seen the effects of overindulgence and swore that they would never see them again. In fact, we see them again, and again, and again. e.g., Hang overs, sunburns, blue balls, hickeys, cheese constipation, pizza gut.

But wouldn't it be nice if you could indulge and not feel like shit for it? It took me years to learn how to do it, and it's glorious. I wish you all could do it. I LOVE overindulging. Carefree, reckless and blissfully happy.

There is a name for this kind of behavior. There is a term that says, "hey! I know this is bad and possibly dangerous, but I want it so badly, that I don't care. I just want to overindulge and if I die, then I will die in bliss." The word for this feeling is... Bukkake.

Okay, okay. Bukkake is a cooking method in Japan, but it's also a term for a very special party. Its the kind of party that everyone would love to be a part of, but their lack of courage(they would have you believe that it's common sense) prevents them from doing so. In a bukkake get together, one person, maybe two, gets to be the center of attention and they get to be the focus of everyone involved. From this point on, I will not describe what happens, I will rely on your ability to look up, BUKKAKE, on the internet for the rest of the description.

You back?

Okay... You can see what I mean. Some people just love to overindulge. They know it's bad, but they don't care. They are so tired of being restrained and restricted by voices of authority that are found only in their head, that they just need a way to LET GO! They are so very tired of behaving and controlling their urges, that they finally burst and just let it all out. The next thing you know, these people embrace what they truly want and they dance with the edge. Because they have too... they do.

Because sometimes you want a bigger piece of cake when you eat at a fancy restaurant and you don't care if it's bad for you... You made the decision to eat poorly, so now you want to go as far as you can go. Gluttony, my friends... Is the greatest sin of them all. If you still don't know what Bukkake is, I suggest you order some the next time you eat at a fancy restaurant.

If you could, what would you overindulge in? Can you let go of your controls? Can you just embrace what you want and swim blissfully in the moment?

Bukkake for everyone.