
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

my least favorite post

It could be the idle ramblings of a man with a fever, but I think I have something to say and I think you might want to hear it.

I must preface this commentary by saying that the information gathered and shared is not wholly my own work and some of it can viewed at other sites. So if you are ready, let's begin.

First, I would like to say that we are in trouble. All of us. There have been some singular events that when added together, add up to a really shitty total.

We start with the recent election in Canada. If you are not aware of the present state of affairs in Canada, then this post is going to be hard to follow, but I will try to keep you involved.

The recent election in Canada has shown that any election in the world, can be bought or sold, and that there is no level of depravity that the powerful oil interest will not lower themselves too. Not a year after the discovery of one of the largest oil reserves in human history was found in northern Alberta, an election was fabricated by the poweful American oil interests to make sure that the ruling party of Canada would be "oil" friendly, or, more specifically - American oil friendly. Every election in Canada has seen it's leaders come out of the East and each of these leaders has had their own level of scandal attached to them, but for the most part, they have kept that country running in the right direction. And they are doing things in Canada that the rest of the world should be doing. This recent election, the winner came out of Alberta and he can best be described this way... Puppet. He is a Bush wanna be and a big friend of American Oil. Sadly, all that Canada had going for it is about to be lost...

The new leader of Canada is not unlike Saddam Hussein, Tony Blair, Manuel Noreiga, or any other weak minded-power hungry fool that wants desperately to be liked by the US. He will have his moment in the sun... Then be made a fool of when his country is wiped clean of oil and left to struggle to maintain itself on the world stage. Nothing says, "it's all downhill from here" like electing a Nazi. America needs that oil, it needs Canada's lumber and it needs to eliminate the beef industry. This all sounds weird, but I ask that you stay with me a bit longer.

Oil is it. And Canada isn't the only one with some oil that needs some major plans in the near future. Iran, for all it's recent press, isn't trying to build nuclear weapons, or nuclear power plants. It doesn't need them because it has all the oil in the world. It has a ton of it. As it sits on the globe... Iraq has a large cache of oil, Afghanistan has a lot of oil and sitting squarely between them is Iran. With a lot of oil and no where to use it. If they wanted to sell it on the open market, they would have to use the US market and the US dollar. If they DID do that, we wouldn't hear a damn thing about Iran. BUT, Iran, along with a lot of other Muslim countries, have become pretty pissed about the US war in Iraq and have decided to drop their oil on... The European Market. Using the Euro. Which will all but crush the American economy and create a legit competitor for American oil interests (and their newly acquired Canadian interest). That's a lot of information to absorb and follow, but think it over... read it again... and read on.

Times, well, they are a changin'...

Iran is on the clock. Somewhere around March, plan on seeing a Canadian trade agreement. It will be shrouded in beef talk, lumber deals and medicines exchanges. It will sound good, but it will deflate the Canadian economy and bolster America's. At the same time, Iran will see it's fate sealed. By then, the media will have made Iran into the new Iraq and we will have to start a whole new war with "terrorists and their weapons of mass destruction". With Iran being battered, look for all other Muslim countries to come down hard on America. Thankfully, we will have a whole new bunch of buddies helping us fight over there. Canadians... and their newly aquired American built military, will be there to help fight the war in Iran. Helping Canada keep the value of their oil and helping America rape two countries at once. One that is going to allow us too and the other that is going to piss off a bunch of countries... Countries that do have nukes... It's going to get really nasty. Our American oil interests are going to create an event that will make 9-11 look like a minor car accident.

If you see where I am going with this... You needn't read any further.

I should be in Europe about the time that all of this goes down. If I want to see the other side of the Dick Cheney-James Baker-George H. W. Bush dance with world destruction... I am thinking that staying in Europe might be my only plan. When Cheney, Bush, Baker and the rest of the power freaks are in jail or better, then I will come back. I might not be able to come back if the borders get locked down. I would say run to Canada, but hey... I think we can say that America finally owns Canada out-right.

It's never easy to read these kinds of things and it's easy to dismiss them as idle ramblings. But they are only idle ramblings until they become true. It's time for everyone to start reading into some of the information that is available to them and start doing the math. Things are going to get pretty rocky and I ask you do what you can to prepare yourself for it.


See what you need to see... Compare it to the past... Evaluate your future... Act now or live in the decision you make.