
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

all for one aspirin

I hated being sick. Not because I was achy with a sore throat, I can handle that. I have felt worse pain and survived it. (Does anyone recall when I opened up my wrist on a table saw? That was much worse.) What I didn't like about being sick was the fact that I had to use up my stash of antibiotics. At this point in human history, antibiotics are worth more than gold.

Most of my family works in the medical profession and I have been privy to some behind-the-scenes knowledge about American health care issues over the years. Mostly the banter is about different patients and their ailments, but there were times when the topics covered medical/business/legal aspects of the health care of America and those were enlightening moments for my young mind. If you thought that medical/business/legal conversations were boring, you're right. They are dreadfully dull, unless you can read between the lines and see what all that information adds up to. I was able to see the gathering storm of the HMO, the high price of insurance, you name it. My parents gave me that insight and they gave me something else that lives with me to this day. (Bear with me here...)

In the past, when my country has been at war, the people have been asked to ration goods to aid in the war effort. Commodities such as wool, sugar, honey, cotton, rubber, steel, and thigh highs have all been rationed to help our troops fight Nazis and look saucy doing it. Whatever the cause, the citizens have stepped up and cut back on certain goods - "for the effort". In recent years, our country has learned that you can stock pile certain goods so that in times of war, there doesn't need to be a rationing. It helps that our military uses goods that have a longer shelf life (Cheezits and Capri Sun) so there is no last minute rush to Sam's Club for a stock piling of food, bullets, batteries or body armor.

Sadly, there are a few items that the government can't really stock pile. Most notably: antibiotics (followed closely by willing soldiers).

So one of the "tells" of our government's intentions to go to war is a sudden dip in the supply and availability of antibiotics to the general public. My mother being a pharmacist, I always have a good month's notice when things are about to get hairy. If you need some stats on this statement check with your local pharmacist RIGHT NOW. See what he/she says about their ability to get penicillin or other much needed drugs.

So, I got sick and I had some antibiotics at my disposal and I had to use them. The whole supply.

Now flash forward to Bush on PBS.

Bush just gave some speech about the state of the union. Here are some highlights...

He mentioned that he wanted to go to war with Iran( he did it in much the same way that cowardly rednecks say, "Hey! That nigger just whistled at that white woman... Git er done!).
He wants to give more money to research and development companies and give them a tax break. (the largest portion of the government grants for research and development go to defense contractors for weapons and "other" advances).
He wants to cut more government programs that are not producing (these are the same programs that used to work, butt he cut the spending to them in his first term. Programs such as education, alternative fuel research, and anti-terrorism programs).
He wants to create 70,000 new teaching positions for those teachers who would teach our children math and science (would this be the science with evolution or creative design??) so that America can be more competitive with other countries that are smarter than us (almost every other country in the world is smarter than us except Finland... They're fucking stupid).
He wants to limit lawsuits against doctors so that we can have more practicing doctors for our sick(doctors in HMO's which are run by corporations and therefore will protect the corporation from being sued).
He wants to overhaul Social Security (to cover up his spending of the social security budget on the war effort).

I listened as long as I could, but like most adults, I can only listen to other people's children squawk for so long before I have to leave the room. All of this bullshit and I have a terrible headache. I don't think I will be able to find anything to take for it - Because Bush needs it for the war effort in Iran.

I'm sure that most of you are just as unhappy and upset as I am. I am sure that you are wondering why nothing is being done to stop these people. It seems like they are just running amok without any concern for humanity at all. Are you wondering just how bad things are going to get before we see "hope" again? I think there is a new issue that all of us need to think about, "Are we really this stupid?"

No. We're cowards and we're lazy. Perhaps if we stopped taking all the anti-depressants we could get our minds back in the game and take back our antibiotics, sugar and thigh high nylons from the war mongers... I'm guessing that the thigh highs aren't leaving the pentagon.