
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Friday, August 12, 2005

chaos math of fantasy

There is nothing more that I love to do than to pick the brain of someone with a psychology degree. It's not that I find psychology particularly interesting, but I love the people that do, they are just so incredibly dull. Very self-righteous and there is no way to shake them from their self-anointed pedestal. I love trying to.

I have always felt that psychology is such an abstract science and it's so open to debate that it is really just another faith based theology. A kin to say, Baptists or Mormons and their belief structure. It always starts with a embittered and tortured soul that has "lived" where you have not. They have the ability to write and somewhat focus their thoughts and it just moves on from there. This angry soul is figuring things out so that they come out on top and the more they work the numbers, the better they feel. Psychology is a tool that allows you to do just that. You take parts of the mind and human behavior and you try to find the pattern or system that can be defined. Of course, this is where they lose it. Their figures are always about one society and not another and their theory doesn't work with certain variables.

Freud was a junkie, Jung resented Freud's arrogance so much, he went off and started on of his own equations. Socrates begat Plato and Plato begat Aristotle. The latter names being more associated with philosophy, which is a kind of psychology but a kinder, gentler psychology with fewer explanations, fewer hard facts and fewer drugs.

Follow what you will. To me the only true answer is math. Math is tangible, relevant and indisputable. All of life's answers are found in math and debated in the ranting and ravings of self-righteous philosophers and psychologists. It's great fun and makes legends out of the greatest debaters. My particular form of math theology is called.... Well, wait a second...

You may be wondering where my hatred of psychologists came from so I will tell you. Years ago, I was at a party with a small gathering of friends and there was a man there who had just received his masters in psychology with a focus in child therapy. I could have cared less about what he had to say, I was there for other reasons. But for some reason, he took an interest in me and my actions and felt some urge to ask me questions. I love questions, ask away! Ten minutes into the, "where were you born, what was your mother like" shit, he did what most psychologists do when they don't have any answers, they ask the same shit question until you answer it the way they want you to. His question, "who molested you?" I was not molested. "who molested you?" I wasn't molested. "who molested you?" Nobody. "who molested you?" Five minutes of this and anyone would be ready to kill. You have to make a decision, hit him in the throat or play into it so the obnoxiousness will end. Of course, you know that when you do, a long lengthy, "SEE, there you go... I knew it!" is coming. ( I had to tell you this story.)

This technique is actually taught in therapy classes. It's designed to force the patient to reveal information by not having anywhere to hide from it. Focusing in on one thing and not allowing the patient to run away. Sadly, this technique is why so many people are in jail right now for touching children that they never touched. Case in point, the three most notorious child molestation cases involving day care centers. (Wenatchee, WA - 1990, Long Island, NY - 1982, Los Angeles, CA - 1980) In all these cases, an over zealous therapist forced children into admitting to being molested, even when their original answers were no, and it led to lengthy trials that ended in not guilty verdicts. It ruined lives, including the childrens, who have no idea what to believe now. The greatest travesty... The therapists are still convinced they are right are practicing today. (My hatred has a focus)

Back to my math theory....

If you have a degree in philosophy, you are probably working at Barnes and Noble right now or you are righting the next great philosophy on life that we can all forget moments after we read it.

Religion.... I think we all know where I stand on this issue.

Daniel's theory... Of course it has sexual overtones, but don't all philosophies and physiological theories?

Here's mine.

Fantasy. Everything is differing levels of fantasy. On one end of the fantasy scale you have, whimsy and day planners, and on the other end of the scale you have stalkers and psychologists. Somewhere in between are the phrases that we use everyday to explain tomorrow; Hope, expect, assume, wish, crossing my fingers, pray, daydream, etc. It's these concepts that fuel our lives and makes us wake up in the morning. We think about tomorrow so much that we often completely neglect today. This causes daily strife as we struggle to find perfection in the dreams of our minds and hope that tomorrow will be better. (If I just do this, this will happen. I am getting in shape for blah, blah. I am studying. I am buying this shirt. I need to get to sleep by ten. I need to eat more fish. All of these thoughts come from the basic theory that, "If I do this, I will have that life I think about all the time and it will be better than the one I have today" )

So here is the basic structure of your mind and how it works... Basic math. Your future is determined this way. Your past (A) and your present (B) have to somehow equal your future (C). If you take what you do know (A) and subtract it from the future you want (C) you should come up with what you need to do today (B). That's it! That's all you have to do. And we apply this equation to everything thing we do. Every aspect of you life has this basic math equation at it's core. That's all you have to do. Right?

There are variables to take into consideration.....

The unforeseen, the unchangeable and the unlucky. The lack of appropriate past (A) to equal a future (C). Example, playing professional basketball, but being born a midget. Wanting to be the president of the united states, but being born black. There are also those factors that you must consider that we will call pessimism, skepticism and negative logic. These are forces by which you have stopped believing in yourself, your world or your luck and have given in to believing that only misery is in your future. The anti-fantasy. There is a strong likelihood of you becoming a business owner if you feel this way.

Fantasy fuels the fire in one way or another. Either you believe it or you don't. Everything in your day is basically planned to get you to another day. The theory being that it has to get better some day. We get to the point that the fantasy drives us so much, we forget to enjoy the day we are in. "This is a throw away day, the good day is coming up, I just have to make it there." Some day, when you run out of long term fantasies you will see that the greatest day you have is the one right now. The second you stop reading this, you could go out and become that fantasy.

Our language is full of phrase that remind us that fantasy is our religion; Dream home, ideal husband or wife, beyond my wildest dreams, fantasy football, more than I could ever hope for. Fantasy... Dear reader... Is the only true religion. And math is the only real truth. As long as you can do it, you will make it through anything. Prison, marriage, children, school, work and family vacations. Believe in whatever degree you want, call it what you want. It's all just a degree of fantasy and a simple math equation.

Sadly, the psychologist that I told you about is still a psychologist. He still hasn't written that definitive book and he is still probably forcing people to tell him things like, "tell me it's the biggest one you've seen. Tell me it's the biggest one you have ever seen. Tell me it's the biggest one you have ever seen."

I'm curious at what level you, the reader, find your fantasy at. Are you a mental basket case that is stalking some poor woman that doesn't even know you exist. ( I know you think she does, but she doesn't) Or are you the kind of person that hears a song on the radio and with a fleeting thought think, "I could have been a rock star"?