
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Friday, August 11, 2006

the button of shameless greed

Shameless. Shameless and more shameless.

Sweet Home Alabama is used to sell Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Like A Rock is used to sell Chevy Trucks.
Sweet Emotion is used to sell to Corvette
U2 was used for the World Cup promotions.
My BIGGEST SPIRITUAL WRITING HERO, Thoreau is used to sell Insurance.

Danists of Danada, hear me now! Sorry, I still can't really do it. Sorry.

In conjuction with my on-going quest to recoop my late summer losses, I have abandoned all remaining honor that I had left in my body and have accepted any and all forms of work. I have put price tags out on everything I own. I have even reached out to others for assistance and/or ideas. I've enjoyed most of the ideas and I will admit that at first I wasn't very receptive to any of them but that foolish pride has long gone. Now, I will move on any idea no matter what. Last night - opening act at a burlesque show. It's work and I don't feel any sting in my my pride anymore. This has been an exceptionally good lesson for me to experience.

The most common suggestion by you the readers,was to make my blog a pay site, which is odd that you would suggest it, because you would be the ones that would have to pay. I like the idea because it means this would be my job, but I just can't. Making people pay at this point is sort of like a drug dealer giving out the first few for free and then sitting back and waiting for you to mortage your house so you can get some more. I pushed the idea of charging for this blog out of my head until someone said that the alternative to requiring you to pay would be making it optional. I could just ask for Donations. She is my favorite person at the moment. Balance!

It's not easy to set up, it required using an IBM computer and a Microsoft employee, but VOILA! There it is, just to the left of this post, under my photo. I'm not sure where the money goes when you press the button or how to retrieve it, but HEY, I have a button! The financial instution of the future - eDough. I have mixed feelings about it, but at least I am not demanding the cash. It's up to you and that seems decent and less greed-like.

I will leave up the button for a while. If it works out and doesn't get under my skin, I'll keep it. I can remember feeling this exact same way about the Google ads when they first arrived. I would have gotten rid of them a long time ago but they began to grow on me and they seem to fit in an odd, dark humor sort of way. I'm sure many of you have gotten a giggle from what appears to be Google's insensitive greed. There ad for "Plane tickets to Israel" which they placed on top of my post about my trip to the German concentration camp, that was priceless. I'm sure today's will even be some sort of hoot. I often wonder what would happen if I just wrote, "Google Sucks" over and over again. I bet you anything they would try to sell Google stock.

So, welcome the new look Daniel Blog with a donation button experience. If it's successful, then perhaps everyone can get what they want. I can spend more time writing, exploring and.. Well, being Daniel. Thus fullfilling my desire to be the paid writer I have always wanted to be and allowing me to justify the four or five plus hours a day I spend on this AND... You can continue to enjoy reading about it. I don't know what the blog means to you, but if you enjoy it on a daily, weekly, monthly or periodically (to see if I am still alive) then maybe it's worth a dime or two.

Shameless. Shameless and more shameless. Let's give it a go.