
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Thursday, May 25, 2006

an orderly line

Questions Of The Weak is returning for a spring session so get your questions in now. I would say you have a lot of source material to cover so don't delay. You might want to read back a few posts to see if there is a lingering question or concern from a post, two months ago. You may have more than one question, go ahead and ask.

Here are the submission rules:

1. No Book of Question, questions. If you are not familiar with what I am talking about they are the questions like; "You find out you have ten days to live, what do you do?" or "You find a wallet on the street, do you return it?" I ask that the questions you submit not be so hokey.

2. You must ask questions that you want to know the answer to. No asking a question like, "Do you like me?" and then expect emotional stability to follow.

3. You are not special in blogworld and your personal relationship with me does not circumvent this process. If there is something you want to know, it's fair for everyone to know the answer. If you don't ask your questions here, I will not answer them personally. Fair is fair(so sayeth Billy Jean). I know in the past many of you have been pretty pissed off about me printing personal questions that you've asked, but them's the rules. Everyone gets to share the information.

4. No magic fonts, no magic colors. Just plain text please. Break this rule, I won't answer the questions.

5. Please let me know who you are and where you are. No more anonymous questions. Break this rule, I won't answer the questions.

6. Be brief. No long winded emails with one question at the end. Nor do I wish to have a ton of questions scattered through out a novel. Just the questions.

That's it.

So feel free to submit any questions that you might have. I know that many of you have been pretty touched or moved or pissed off by some of this years posts, yet it seems you would rather stew in your misery than approach the topic with me. That's very unhealthy. And I know a lot of you have questions about the trips abroad or with my move, so go ahead and ask them now, I will answer them.

If you wish, I will include a Comments Of The Weak the following day if I get enough of them. I ask that you follow the same rules as above when applicable. Any and all comments will get posted.

Note to all you readers that read this blog without question or comment: I'm not a TV, you can interact with me. Your silence is spooky to me. Who are you out there???