
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Monday, May 15, 2006

the gay's have all gone to wyoming.

"Jaws" came out in 1975 and it dramatically changed the summer plans for millions of people around the world. The week before, life looked pretty rosy and there wasn't a care in the world. The day after the modest opening in mid-May - a camping trip in the mountains became a real hot idea for millions of people. They played off this last minute change of plans as if it were due to some sickness that is associated with beachcombing. They just wanted a change of pace from the drabbiness of golden tans, warm seas and iced drinks. Somehow freezing to death, using leaves as toilet paper and being dirty for a whole week sounded better than death or mauling by shark.

Films have that kind of power. After "The Da Vinci Code" comes out, watch how many people go to the Louvre to see the Mona Lisa. The book alone has changed the landscape at the louvre and a lot of other locations named in the book. When I was there, the Mona Lisa was the only piece of art that had anyone around it.

"The Bridges of Madison County" both the book and movie, increased tourism in that tiny county in Iowa by 200%. "Field of Dreams" created a place in Iowa for people to flock to (the book had no such impact) "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" increased the awareness of Devil's Tower in Wyoming. "Blackhawk down" decreased the tourism in Somalia. "Ganhdi" did nothing for tourism in India. Believe it or not, "Crocodile Dundee" increased tourism in Australia and practically introduced it to America. Prior to that, it was primarily a tourist haven for Asians. Whether or not the film increased the tourism of New York will never be known. "United 93" will increase tourism to that field in Pennsylvania much the same way "Groundhog Day" increased interest in Puxataney, PA years before.

Films have some real power baby.

One of the funniest things I learned this week was that the film "Brokeback Mountain" has actually been both a good and bad thing for the state of Wyoming. It turns out tourism has increased to cowboy state by 65% in the last year. I would seem that Homosexuals are flocking to the popular wrangler round ups and mountain campsites that usually attract rich socialites and wayward urban cowboys. Even with the increase in numbers, many in Wyoming and around the world have viewed this trend as a bad thing. Apparently the presence of so many homosexuals on the Wyoming ranges has scared off the traditional Wyoming tourist. Here's the funny part; the state of Wyoming PREFERS the homosexuals! As it turns out - homosexuals spend more money and are generally a better crowd of people to deal with.

Of course Wyoming has a rich Homosexual past and present. Yes, this IS the same state that not too long ago, tied a young gay man to a fence and beat him to death. But it's also the state where our surly and very naughty Vice President and his gay daughter are from. It's also true that the notorious gay icon, Han Solo lives here. So what took the rest of the gay community so long?

Films are a powerful tool for tourism and we must remember that every time we watch a movie. Secretly we are being sold on a vacation package while we are in our trance. (remember, movies are heroin) Here is another example of the power of film that I like to call: Why I have never been to Africa and never will.

"Ghost and the Darkness, Gorillas in the Mist, Greystoke, legend of Tarzan, Zulu, Out of Africa, The English Patient, Cry Freedom, The Power of One, Hotel Rwanda, Blackhawk Down, The Mummy, Death on the Nile, The Mummy returns, More Death on the Nile, The Other Hotel in Rwanda, Zulu Dawn, Outbreak, And the Band Played On, Amistad, Lord of War, Jewel of the Nile, When We Were Kings, Casablanca, The Desert Fox, Ishtar, Delta Force, The African Queen".....

Based on this brief list of African-set movies I have learned this about Africa - It's full of disease, war, boxers, man eating lions, smokers, gorillas and Warren Beatty. SO... I'm not sure that I'll be headed that way any time soon.

I am actually headed to Montana to do some touring. If you view my web site you knew this and I am not telling you anything new. En route I have picked up a few more typewriters. A beautiful Remington and a sleek little Underwood. There is also talk of a possible Royal, but the lady is asking a wee bit too much.

I haven't ridden my Pony in two days but I have been on four other bikes in two days. It's a sickness. I blame it all on...

"Easy Rider, Long Way Around, Biker Boyz, The Wild Ones, Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man, Any Which Way You Can, Mad Max, The Road Warrior and Harold and Maude"