
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Friday, March 10, 2006

to the best of my ability

Some days I am so dizzy that I can't read email or eat a meal without forgetting what I am doing in the middle of it. I want to tell you that I'm better, but nothing has changed, and if anything, my hearing is slipping. Something new to the mix.

If this is an inner ear infection, it's one of the most aggressive infections I have ever known. Other than the constant state of dizziness, the reoccuring memory lapses and the crazy urge to eat all the time, I'm fine.

I'm in Canada. I have been fortunate that I am not really headlining on this tour as the brief 10 minutes that is being asked of me every night is too much right now. I am on stage and I have no idea if I have done a joke or not. This forces me to skip the joke so I don't accidentally repeat it. The dizziness has rewritten most of my jokes. Normally, this would be a bad thing, but it's actually brought a refreshing tone to most of them and made it enjoyable to hear them again.

Friends have been lovely and this has been a better trip than most. It could be the fact that I am getting older and I appreciate them more, or it could be that I am temporarily mentally ill and I am just enjoying them because I don't know how much time I have spent with them.

I have spent twice my budget on food alone. Most people can pay rent on what I have spent in two and a half weeks in Canada. If you need to see this miracle, gaze upon my lovely girth and stand in awe of it's third trimester appearance.

I leave this place and head to Europe on Monday. I am beginning to think that Europe might be more interesting with my head spinning. Certainly it will make all those castles more stunning. Like the old Anthony Clark joke, " A fish has a two second memory. So it must be swimming in the tank saying to itself, "Hey look, a castle!" (pause) "Hey look, a castle!". I fear this will be my European fate. How many times can I look at the Mona Lisa before they ask me to walk away.

I will try to keep you updated with my progress. If any of you have any ideas of what might be wrong, tell me in a short email(the longer the email, the more likely it is that I will fall asleep).

I will get the "crazy posts" up as often as I can. These are the posts that I wrote during my insanity and I hope you enjoy them.