
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Thursday, March 02, 2006

catch 23

I am not the biggest fan of America at times. America has done its fair share of shitty things and most of the people are shit. But this isn't a wholly American issue. Most countries do shitty things and most of the people in the world are shit. So why the American gets the majority of the heat is beyond me.

I am in Canada to entertain. I am here to make nice and enjoy good friends. However, my hatred for Canada is growing with every conversation I have with the locals. My head isn't screwed on tight at the moment, so perhaps I am a bit too edgy to deal with all of this, but I am getting really tired of defending a country that I generally don't see eye to eye with.

Am I being tested? Is it more important to these Canadian idiots that I am loyal to my country or that I am loyal to logic? It would seem that either way I go, I lose. Loyalty to country and they lose their minds. Loyalty to logic and I am Mr. Eggs Benny. Thankfully, most Canucks don't have weapons and are pretty bad shots. I guess the only good thing about being an American is our ability to result to superior weapondry to resolve conflicts. Hockey pucks verses Laser-satelite guided missiles.

Man are those pucks going to hurt when they hit the side of our tanks.

It's with this sentiment that I am able to sit down to write this. I will be straight with all of you, I can't focus or keep a thought in my head for very long. This is taking me several hours to finish. I can write for ten minutes, then I need a nap.

I still have no idea what's wrong with me and I might call off the rest of the Canadian tour and go home to rest. It's not easy to be here with little to no support and surrounded by angry frost-bitten faces.

People keep telling me that I am trying to do too much and that I need to slow down. I think I need to start smoking again. Things were fine when I smoked. Of course, now that I don't smoke, everyone everywhere is smoking and I feel like the nasty, ignornant, NON smoking, offensive American. I can't slip any further down the catch ladder.

My brain is broken. I am going to turn over the writing duties to some other people that I enjoy and I hope that they can carry you through for a while, or just until I get my brain working.