
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Friday, February 24, 2006

we could keep this frozen theme going for a while

It's a six hour drive in warm, human-accomodating conditions. In a light snow - maybe 7 hours. In a driving, two day long, snow storm - it's just best not to go at all. But this is comedy, people gots to have their giggles, so off I go.

Day One of Mission Canada.
Calgary to Saskatoon. Miles - Well, kilometers - a whole bunch. Not that it matters, every inch is covered with two feet(not sure what the meterage coversion is) of snow which makes it hard to count the miles as they go by. You measure distance by time in this weather.

If you were ever a praying type, get to it. Or, if you are a kill-a-lamb-on-an-altar type - start chopping. If you would rather throw a small child into a fire pit - start chuckin'. I am going to need all the mojo I can muster. These roads no longer exist. I am just expected to read a compass and end up in Saskatoon before 8 PM.

I am heading across the tundra in conditions that only get seen in Disney movies to emphasis - nasty, cold, death winters. It's those scenes you see in movies that make you think that all is lost and that there is no escape. But somehow, a boy and his dog (in this case, a boy and his opener) survived by finding an ancient cave filled with gold. I would settle for donut gems, but gold is nice too. If we run low on food, the opener might not make it back. I'm sorry, but I have to eat and I am a star. This is called paying your dues on the comedy road. I promise not to kill him. I am just going to eat his legs.

Start chanting people. If you like this blog, start chanting....