
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Saturday, January 07, 2006

cheap, tawdry and i am completely turned on by it

It's not a big secret that I have done a lot of playing in my day and it's no secret that I enjoy it and it's a big part of who I am. But it seems that the more of you that get to know me, the more you want to hear the details of all this debauchery. Some of you have even asked me to write a separate blog that focuses just on sexual exploits. I thought about it and I have decided that I just can't do it. I am sorry, I know that there is interest and one of the more commonly requested topics that you ask me to write about, but I can't and here are the reasons why:
One - it wouldn't be fair to those involved without having their permission first. Most of them aren't going to give it, I know that for a fact. I could easily change the names, but then it becomes phoney and exactly what I hate about erotica.
Two - I don't want to be known as an erotica writer or have it be the cornerstone of my career. I have a lot to say that isn't sexual and when you dip your toes in the pool of sauciness too often, the world looks and thinks you are swimming in it.
Three - I can't stand erotica. Especially my own. I love visual erotica, but the written stuff is pretty bland. It's the same stories, staring the same players and it's very repeative and fake. Which is a huge problem in the world of sex today.

Erotica is written to be fantastical and perfect, and most of the sex in the world isn't that way. Erotica is filled with people that are physically flawless with above average sexual prowess, fearless determination and can orgasm on cue, in a haystack, that is on fire. Most of my sexual exploits aren't as glorious as all that. I have had some really extraordinary moments, some I would really love to talk about, but there were some moments that were painful. There were some really nasty, extremely dangerous, incredibly foolish acts. Some of them were just down right dark. Nothing that you want to hear about and nothing I want revisit. None of them make for very exciting erotica, unless you get off on the darker side of sexual behavior. I don't think they would read like erotica at all, I think they would sound more like a police confession or a trial transcript and even my flair for descriptive writing would fail to pep up these sordid tales.

So for all of you that keep asking for stories, understand that I must pass. I would like to keep my writing where it is and periodically touch on sex if the mood calls for it. I have a better idea.

Publish your stories...

I would be willing to post on another blog site, some of the stories that you send in to me on a regular basis., You can compare your work with other readers and further your fetish that way. I'm sure most of you have some rather interesting stories of your own you would like to share, and I can see that there are others out there that want to hear them. I know that my friends in the nympho collective have some pretty colorful tales that they share with me that would make most of you really tingle and I know that most of them don't mind sharing with strangers. Perhaps I should just publish the email addresses of the people I know that do nothing but write erotica and you can all start a blog of your own. The rules would be this:

It has to be real.
No fabricating or embellishing.
It has to be legal.

I think that you all would have a field day with this concept. I'm sure blogspot would love it too. If you thought this blog was popular, just imagine what that blog would see in a day.

If you would like to do this. Let me know. DON'T SEND ME A STORY!!! Just let me know that you're interested and I will put you in touch with the others that are interested as well. You submit the writings on MS WORD and I will load it up and when you know each other well enough, someone else can maintain it. I will leave the comments open for everyone and you can all go crazy with the "Venus mound", "sword of manliness","shared heat", "exploding orgasms", and "tender midget hands" moments that you can handle.

I appreciate your interest in my sex life, but I would rather have you just read my daily ramblings and not concern yourself over whether or not I am a biter. For all of the sexual questions that are asked of me everyday I can say only this... I play rough and I am deviant. Let that be all you need know.

Again, no stories at this time, just tell me you want to post your stories and I will start a blog for you. You don't have to include your real name and I won't tell anyone who you are... Unless you want me too.

Get to it.