invasion of america - the images....4 of 4
These are the forgotten about - confused little photos that made the cut at the last minute. They are in no particular order on this post. I stopped taking photos on the trip after I made it to Reno. I took over 900 photos total for the trip, but I didn't take photos of the Pentagon, Indiana, Maryland, New Jersey, Virginia, Deleware, Ontario, Michigan, Wisconsin, Idaho, Oregon or Minnesota. So enjoy what I have left. If I can find some other worthy shots, I will put them up.
Final post coming in a few days.
Fighting Irish. These are some of the Rennies that didn't want to kiss me. In the background are two very short women that were also fighting. I was pulling for them. REN FEST, KANSAS CITY, KANSAS
Another view of that Kansas Sunset. Hmmmmmm...... KANSAS
Another view from the tower in Kansas. KANSAS
Another view of Penguin Park. Along with the large Penguin there is also an Elephant. MISSOURI
My house as a teenager. That window just behind the tree was my room. That garage door was my relentless and undefeated Tennis partner... Cause I had no friends. KANSAS
A field. MISSOURI... I think.
Another shot of the cancer bags. I think I posted it already. DC
I thought this was funny. A memorial for Pluto after it was taken off the "real" planets list. SMITHSONIAN, DC
Oh that sunset. That's the Lincoln Memorial just past the Forrest Gump reflection pond which is just past the foolish looking WWII memorial. DC
Anther view of the torn metal. NEW JERSEY
That funky statue of death in New Jersey. NEW JERSEY.
My travel companion in New York, Joshua Sankey. This is his moment in Times Square. NYC
The rural New York countryside. Yeah, it looked like this for two full days of riding. I would still be there if I could. It was that perfect. UP STATE NEW YORK
Another perfect view in Upstate New York. NEW YORK
The Sun setting over Lake Superior. MICHIGAN
The Missouri river. I camped at Fort Mandan in North Dakota. This is where Custer spent the last few years of his life. NORTH DAKOTA
Dusk on the Missouri River. I camped twenty yards from this spot. NORTH DAKOTA
First night of camping. The pony at rest. NORTH DAKOTA
Lolo Pass with a smoke film covering everything. IDAHO
Day one's view when everything looked like food. MOUNTAIN PASS, WASHINGTON
The fire line. This is how close the fire came to the Ponderosa. WASHINGTON
Patricia Winden, Body Tech Bad Ass. SALT LAKE, UTAH
The center stone that is the heart of the Mormon existence. Kill this rock and they all die. Patricia was using it as an ashtray. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH
Foolishly trying to take a night time photo of the brutal rain storm. Idiot me. Classy joint, eh? UTAH
The rocks of Moab. They look like raw meat in a good photo or in person. MOAB, UTAH
Little Miss Lacey, Tattoo Specialist- Bad Ass. All women should be so cute. LUBBOCK, TEXAS
The same chain link fence memorial that has been up since the Oklahome bombing. Those are the same trinkets and photos. OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA
The side view of the lighted chairs in Oklahoma. OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA
Final post coming in a few days.

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