invasion of america - the images....1 of 4
It isn't really a trip without photos. There are four posts worth and they will come as fast as I can get them up here... Then I have one post of forgotten faces and untold stories to post.. Then I'll answer any questions(get them to me NOW!!!) and then... fin... That's it. The blog is toast. I will leave it up til Daniel Day and then I will pull it down for good.
I tried to keep these in order, but that's tough to do..
The gear on the floor of the perch. The night before. All told, it weighed in at 90 pounds of gear. DAY ONE -EVE THE PERCH, WASHINGTON
One last stop at BMW before we left town. This is the "caio baby" look. DAY ONE, BMW OF FIFE, WASHINGTON
Oh little town of Leavenworth. The folks here like Nazis and weiners so much that they decorated their buildings in honor of all that they were about. DAY ONE
I got heat for not taking enough photos of me on the last two trips so here I am.. At the Ponderosa for a visit. A little tummy showing there. It's filled with optimism. DAY TWO
Pose Two. A little easier on the eyes. DAY TWO.
The great Palouse; a large, seemingly endless amount of farm land. From a distance, I'm looking good. DAY TWO.
My traveling mate - Mike Augustini. We rode for the first three days and then he went back to Tacoma. He rode a custom Susuki that needed gas every 80 miles. Fast, loud and purple. DAY TWO. WASHINGTON-IDAHO BORDER
The river of glass. The cool morning in Lolo Pass where the river was so still that it was a perfect mirror. DAY THREE. ROAD OF A THOUSAND CURVES, IDAHO
A view up the river and the road of a thousand curves. We rode this at nearly 80 or 90 most of the way. Not smart, but fun. DAY THREE. SIDE OF THE ROAD OF A THOUSAND CURVES, IDAHO
The endless winds have flattened eastern Montana. They have swept away all hope from mankind's heart. I was ready to quit and go home after I rode in this for hours. DAY FIVE, DESOLATION, MONTANA
The painted desert, or as I like to call it; salvation point. Had this not appeared, I doubt that I would have made it. DAY FIVE, WESTERN NORTH DAKOTA
The sunset over Lake Superior. I found that I like taking pictures of the sunset. Like a self-righteous parent with their only child - I can not stop taking pictures of it. DAY SEVEN, UPPER PENISULA, MICHIGAN
The day I arrived in Montreal, there was a school shooting. This is the building where I performed all week. Across the street is a bunch of empty shell casings and some less-than-pleased Canadians. DAY EIGHT, MONTREAL, CANADA
Montreal on a more peaceful day. The sun is out, the heat is on and the baseball team has left town. Captain Kirk was born and raised here. DAY TEN, MONTREAL SPACE PORT, CANADA
Camping in Up-state New York. I almost started smoking this very day. That campfire drove me to it. Damn camp fire! Thankfully, the lady didn't take cards. DAY TWELVE, NON-SMOKERS PARADISE, NEW YORK
A view down the lane that I camped near. All those lovely trees. DAY THIRTEEN, UPSTATE, NEW YORK
The only reason I went to Cooperstown. George Brett. One of my childhood heroes. If you don't know him, we shouldn't be friends. DAY THIRTEEN, BASEBALL HALL OF FAME, NEW YORK
Orange County Choppers showroom in Montgomery, New York. They build and then they keep, all the bikes. Yeah, I thought they gave them away too. Naw, they keep them. DAY THIRTEEN, GREEDY FIGHTIN CHOPPER WORLD, NEW YORK
I just had to put my bike in front of the shop. Had to. DAY THIRTEEN, MONTGOMERY, NEW YORK.
The Chelsea. This is where Sid killed Nancy. Where Arthur Miller wrote most of his masterpieces. This is the literature hotel that allows junkies... DAY THIRTEEN, NYC
Moi. In Times Square. It looks a lot like Toyko.
View from the top. I didn't know I was scared of heights until this exact moment. DAY THIRTEEN, EMPIRE STATE BUILDING, NYC
Each day, we rode into the city from Jersey on the train. It dropped us here, in the hole that was the World Trade Center. You have to walk out of the pit. Welcome to NYC. DAY FOURTEEN, PIT OF DESPAIR
Nathan's Famous Hot Dogs. The birth of the American Hot Dog. It was awesome. It took an hour to get here and it was bitterly cold when arrived. But yum! DAY FOURTEEN, CONEY ISLAND
The boardwalk at Coney Island used to stretch for miles. Now it's just these five buildings. It wasn't much to see. And to think that the Warriors fought all night just to get back here.
Just in case you were out of practice. They pay a bum to run around and get shot. DAY FOURTEEN, MODERN DAY CIVILIZATION, NYC
The area where the bum gets to run endlessly and get shot by you. DAY FOURTEEN, CONEY ISLAND
It's cheap to have someone shot. DAY FOURTEEN, MOB OUTLET STORE, CONEY ISLAND
The two ladies that kept taking photos of me on the train back from Coney. The lady on the left is Barbara Leven. Look her up on the web if you wish. They made me famous. DAY FOURTEEN. BELOW BROOKLYN, NYC
The heart and soul of Punk - CBGB's. That stage gave birth to a way of life that lives inside us all. It closed down two weeks later. DAY FOURTEEN, THE PIT, NYC
The famous bathroom at CBGB's. It was never cleaned. Many famous people have peed here; Sid Vicious, David Byrne, Joey Ramone and Alan Jackson (yes the country star)DAY FOURTEEN, GROUND ZERO FOR THE NEXT KILLER VIRUS, NYC
A view from the CBGB's stage... DAY FOURTEEN, THE CELL, NYC
Last indoor shot... It hurts to think that it was run out of town. DAY FOURTEEN, SOME YUPPIES NEW FAVORITE SUSHI RESTAURANT, NYC
Parking in New York. Twenty dollars... hour. DAY FOURTEEN, SUCKER CENTRAL, NYC
The man. The myth. The mysterious legend. I love this man. It took me a while to grasp where I was when I read this. DAY FOURTEEN, DEALEY PLAZA, NYC
Not so big on this place, but I took the picture anyway. This is the Dakota, where John Lennon was shot on Daniel Day, 1980. Ever since, his music has graced my birthday. That gold booth is where he was taken and where he muttered his last words. DAY FOURTEEN, THE DAKOTA, UPPER WEST SIDE, NYC
The view of New York from Jersey. It's beautiful isn't it? DAY FOURTEEN, NOT QUITE THE SAME, NEW JERSEY
The oddest statue... ever! A man with his hands tied behind him, stabbed with a bayonet which is poking out of his chest. Look close you can see it. DAY FOURTEEN, ODD, NEW JERSEY
New Jersey's World Trade Center Memorial is made up of materials from the buildings. Check out the bends in the four inch iron I beams. DAY FOURTEEN, 9-11, NEW JERSEY
Again, the sheer power of the event. That's four inch iron that is just sheered in half. DAY FOURTEEN, JERSEY CITY, NEW JERSEY
They put up a marker that shows what is missing from the sky line. It's beautiful and probably best seen in the day light. DAY FOURTEEN, JERSEY CITY, NEW JERSEY
The Washington Monument. My sunset fetish is in full swing. DAY FIFTEEN, THE MALL, DC
How patriotic am I!? Eat me. DAY FIFTEEN, THE MALL, DC
The World War Two memorial. It's a piece of shit. But at least they got one up in time for the last nine survivors to see it. DAY FIFTEEN, DAY LATE, DOLLAR SHORT, DC
I tried to keep these in order, but that's tough to do..







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