
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

My Photo
Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Friday, October 27, 2006

invasion of america - the images....3 of 4

It's not over yet...

The Oklahoma Memorial. Each chair has a name of a victim. The smaller chairs are for the children. Each row is a different floor where the person was located. This memorial is in the exact spot where the building used to stand. DAY TWENTY-SIX, OKLAHOMA CITY, OK

Most of the midwest looks like this: Indiana, Illinios, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma and here... Texas. There is no way to capture my view. This is just four square inches of what I saw in complete panorama. DAY TWENTY-EIGHT, RURAL TEXAS

Buddy Holly. Here is the man that gave you rock and roll. Lubbock has Buddy Holly and Natalie Maines as famous Lubbuckians or Lubbocktocks... DAY TWENTY-NINE, LUBBOCK, TEXAS

The F-holes. Ouchy. Ouchy. Ouchy. Oh, aahhh, Eeee, oooohhh. Ouchy. DAY TWENTY-NINE, LUBBOCK, TEXAS

Billy the Kid's famous grave. The legend goes that someone broke in to the cemetery and carved PALS in the tombstone. This PALS was professionally done. It would have taken a bit more than a simple night to do it. AND you would have heard the Dremmel whirling as it carved. Even in death, Billy is upstaging his friends. Perhaps they didn't think much of him, then what? DAY THIRTY, FORT SUMNER, NEW MEXICO

The actual headstone of Billy the Kid. Chained down because people keep stealing it. Odd thing to steal, and somewhat ironic. DAY THIRTY, FORT SUMNER, NEW MEXICO

The Four Corners. Rain kept most people from laying across the center point like most visitors do. DAY THIRTY-ONE, UUUUUUHHHH, THE DESERT.

The actual tiny teeny four corners. Utah actually is creeping a bit into Colorado, but who cares...

The vast wet desert. DAY THIRTY-ONE, RURAL UTAH

The rain did allow for some rare sights to be seen in the desert, like this waterfall. DAY THIRTY-ONE, MOAB, UTAH

Self Portrait. A sort of "WOW" look. Rain in the background.. DAY THIRTY-ONE, MOAB, UTAH

The day after the big rain. The creeping winds have brought in a fog that you can see coming into picture. It was a good day. DAY THIRTY-TWO, PRYCE, UTAH

Wounded Pony on her way to the doctor. It was odd riding the pony without gear on it. Very odd.

Celestial Jesus. The way Jesus would like us to remember him. Floating around in a world that resembles a Sci-Fi book cover. DAY THIRTY-THREE, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH

Adam and Eve. The most accurate depiction ever. Fully clothed, White, and praising indoor lighting. Notice that the hem lines are perfect and modest. DAY THIRTY-THREE, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH

The Prophets of Utah. With J-man; their meal ticket. Who among you is frightened by this photo???? DAY THIRTY-THREE, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH

"This is the Place!" said Bringham Young boldly. This valley leads us home. And the Mormons were filled with joy. Their name tags had been digging into their chests for the last two months and they were ready to be home. (cause the Utah Jazz were playing a home game that day) DAY THIRTY-FOUR, VALLEY, UTAH

I like this shot of me. DAY THIRTY-FOUR, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH

Not a great shot, but why not post it anyway....

Ah, ooooooooo, eeeeeewwwwwww... DAY THIRTY-FOUR, SALT LAKE, UTAH

The Bonneville salt flats in western Utah. That mountain is twelve miles away. The reflection is a new lake where land speed records are set. DAY THIRTY-FIVE, SPEEDY, UTAH

My tour guide, Denise. She had a thing about licking things. DAY THIRTY-FIVE, YUCK, UTAH

Ah, Reno! It was completely empty, like a strange video game. DAY THIRTY-FIVE, RENO, NEVADA

Tour guide in her favorite pose. This is the coffee house that is closing down in spite of it's great food. DAY THIRTY-FIVE, RENO, UTAH

One last day a comin'....