
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

My Photo
Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Monday, November 21, 2005

the pictures, part two

Okay, this is one of markets in Korea that smelled of death. CHIN HAE, KOREA

Not sure what this is, but it's dead, which is more than you can say for most of the food here. This smelled so bad that we skipped lunch. CHIN HAE, KOREA

The market on the day we got to leave the base for an hour. It's four million degrees below zero which keeps the fruit nice and fresh. CHIN HAE, KOREA

I don't have to say a thing, you're already thinking it. I will say this, a dog leads a life of polar extremes in Korea. A small dog is considered good fortune and you can find one in every shop doorway. It's either that OR they cost $400 a plate. Not kidding. I won't tell you which was happening to this one. CHIN HAE, KOREA

Not sure what these are, but they are alive and apparently not bothered by the pepper in their water. I would see that as an omen if someone came in and threw a pepper into my bath water, but they don't seem to mind. CHIN HAE, KOREA

Either Koreans are not big on Jews or they really love Nazis, either way, you can get a swastika on anything here. They play it off as some "Buddhist" thing, but come on... They're Nazi lovers. CHIN HAE, KOREA

This guy knew where the hookers, young boys, drugs, gambling and other illegal things could be found. No where else in the world is human trafficking as bad as it is in Korea. There are signs that read, "we can help you get home" everywhere. They didn't do shit for me when I called. He was fond of calling me Jun Wayne. ITEAWON, KOREA

Some bad ass Korean dude from a long time ago.
Most likely ninja master "Samsung" himself
or this is the Korean version of Ronald McDonald.

More "palace" in Seoul. No one lives here anymore which makes it easier to go inside without feeling like you're in someone's space. SEOUL, KOREA

Another view of that crazy market. SEOUL, KOREA

Oh, I do have a photo of the name of the market. Read it for yourself. This is the main entrance. I think that the Korean says, "welcome to walmart". SEOUL, KOREA

This horse was special and I climbed on it's back. It was illegal to do so, but I'm American. I'm supposed to behave this way in foreign countries. I loved it. ITEAWON, KOREA

One of the dozen or so times we had to fly on this trip. I don't even remember which airport this is. YOURGUESSISASGOODASMINE, ASIA

A teeny tiny building that is very common in Asia. I don't know if they built around it or if they put it up after they built the two other buildings, whatever the case may be, renting it is more per month than I earned on this trip. GINZA, JAPAN

I forgot to mention these in my post. These are the bumper bears of the Tokyo tower. Ponchi and I rode them and then got kicked off for cheating by using our legs. TOKYO, JAPAN

Me in the Tokyo tower. Looking east towards you. TOKYO, TOWER.

All of the Karoake on this trip and this is the only private room bar I got a picture of. Check in, get instruments and then go off to your private room. It's a lot like a swing club in that way but with tamborines. ROPPONGI, JAPAN

Foreigners seek each other out for comfort here. This guy thought we might be German. He was wrong. I think he is even lonelier now because we didn't even want to pretend just to humor him. GINZA, JAPAN

The gate way into the Roppongi district. Around me are tons of Mod kids that love to be punk rock, until you hit them or break their precious cell phone on the ground, then they turn into whinny little kids. It was very cold that night. I didn't hurt anyone. ROPPONGI, JAPAN

Define irony - This room was designed for smokers and it is the only place you can go to escape the cold. The non-smokers were dying of pneumonia in droves. Only we, the smokers-under-glass, have survived to tell this tale. TOKYO, JAPAN

Not all tea is created equal. This was my last exploration into vending machine fluids. I had great success for a solid week before this shit hit my lips. Remember this bottle, never drink it.

Some of the kids at Nagasaki that I had to deal with. NAGASAKI, JAPAN