
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Sunday, November 20, 2005

for my illiterate fans - the pictures, part one

Okay, so we will have to do this backward because I loaded them the backwards. There will be more when I can.

The escape from Busan via ground to steps of the plane service. If we had gone through the gate it would have taken too long. BUSAN, KOREA

Sancho Ponchi and I with some moderately famous "Jackie" character. He says his famous, or related to someone famous, I don't know, they all look famous to me. Well, at least smart. NAVY SEOUL

This was part of one of the palaces in Korea. It was the final part of my trek into Seoul before I had given up.

Again, inside the palace. Everyone who travels to another country gets photos of the architecture, etc. Here's my entry.

Beginning of an anti-world demonstration of sorts. It's not always a good idea to be this close.
Side note. All demonstrations have to be preplanned with the police first, otherwise it's sticks on the head time. SEOUL, KOREA

The world's craziest market. A wide open spot where you can walk and take a picture without bumping into someone. SEOUL, KOREA

These are yummy and alive. SEOUL, KOREA

These make a great gift for the friends back home. ITEAWON, KOREA

Last night in Japan. Outdoor toilet that I know Sancho Ponchi is appreciating.

Drunk, Rippongi. Sancho is the one in the hat. I am the one that looks like he doesn't care. RIPPONGI, JAPAN

Ginza district at night. Again, one of those needful photos of where you have been and what you have seen that you have to try to capture in a single snap of the camera. GINZA, JAPAN

Here's the photo that caused my first dance with foreign police. If you ever see those black vans driving down the road, just behind the sign, don't take a photo after running up to them. Nasty business. TOKYO, JAPAN

The former sumo building, now some other building. Never listen to locals that don't speak English when you are trying to get directions.

A view from the Tokyo tower, looking down through the floor. Not as frightening if you are taking the photo. It doesn't feel the same through the lens of camera as it does in person. Sort of like the way it feels to look at it now.

Tokyo Tower, a cool perspective. TOKYO, JAPAN.

Colorful Coy that scare the shit out of Ninjas, which is why they are put in front of every building, including the Imperial Palace. These live in front of a Shinto Shrine. TOKYO, JAPAN

The challenging stairs of horse death. Ride up these and back down again on a horse at a full run, and live, you get... a lot of applause and some free coy.

Every street in Japan. You can eat, shit, fight, drink, fuck or put up a lantern in them if you wish. EVERY STREET, JAPAN

Ginza during the day. Sancho got creative with the camera. GINZA, JAPAN

Restaurant alley. These restaurants are just below the train tracks in Tokyo. They stretch on for miles. TOKYO, JAPAN

Coy in front of the Imperial palace that are there to eat careless Ninjas. TOKYO, JAPAN

Some of the impressive stone walls that are beginner level ninja accessible. Not very difficult for aging, overweight Americans to breech, so I'm sure if a ninja didn't make it, he was laughed out of the ninja gym. TOKYO, JAPAN

The gates that stand as symbol of just how much the Emperor didn't like Ninjas!!!! TOKYO, JAPAN

The ninja proof moat around the Imperial Palace. If you look close you can see half of Japan running the Tokyo marathon around it.

A look down the subway train. From one end to the other, two hundred and fifty yards. No doors. It was quite impressive. UNDER, JAPAN

Another glorious night with Sancho Ponchi and Dan Kyoti. DRUNK IN, JAPAN

It's not all Buddha and Shinto in Japan. They do have Mormons too. SALT LAKE CITY, JAPAN

Me in one of my famous alleys. I love these places. This one is special because there are two Japanese girls making out behind that vehicle. This photo also started to show a pattern that Sancho Ponchi had with taking photos of my butt, leading me to believe that he was fond of alleys like this back in Laredo. CASTRO STREET, JAPAN

Dan in Japan. TOKYO, JAPAN

The entire audience of Yokota. That's him.... and Sancho. His name was (something Japanese). He left ten minutes later. Bushie the kid didn't make this show. YOKOTA, JAPAN

Every temple in Asia. YOKOSUKA, JAPAN

Buddha shoes. You knew that buddha was a hippie, you didn't need to see his birks. KAMAKURA, JAPAN


Buddha and me. In front of the gift shops. KAMAKURA, JAPAN

Never, ever gargle this water. KAMAKURA, JAPAN

My ever faithful sidekick, Sancho Ponchi. YOKOSUKA, JAPAN

The trees and me. EVERYWHERE, JAPAN

On a bridge, the day my clothes arrived. SASEBO, JAPAN

THE spot where the bomb exploded. A rare moment when the kids were gone. NAGASAKI, JAPAN

The day of Nagasaki. Peace Park. Notice the gathering crowds in the background? They would come to haunt me the entire time I am here. I should have left after this picture was taken. NAGASAKI, JAPAN