
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Friday, September 02, 2005

delicate thorny flowers

The amount of questions that I receive from women who ask why their boyfriend or husband does this or that as prompted me to write this...

As a male, I can tell you that, finding a woman who knows what she wants and is alive in the field of her satisfaction, is one of the most attractive qualities she can possess. The reason is selfish - I don't want a woman who is going to mope around, complaining about life and feeling that everything is pointless and ruined. A woman who has found her voice, her path or her passion and is physically undesirable is worth more than a physically beautiful woman that is a vacuum of personal presence and self-worth. I know that this statement may surprise you as so many men are fleeing more mature women and running off with younger chicks, but that is just a male looking to be relevent and cling on to youth. That and older women pose a great threat to our happiness.

The male isn't strong enough to understand women. Male's want to feel that they are being helpful and they want to help and they want to be effective in their efforts. It's the way we are raised. Where women are raised to believe that a man will take care of them, or that getting married is what is expected of them, a man is raised to believe that he is supposed to take care of a woman and, in turn, she will be happy and all will be well. It's sick really. I hope no one reading this believes this shit, but I know some of you do or used too.

Women figure out pretty quickly that men are pointless. A walking dick with shoes, a spider killer, a pack animal, a bed warmer. If you think that a male has better qualities I ask you to look at the sex toy industry. What is the only part of the male that is recreated for women's pleasure? Could it be that the rest of the male is a waste of space? That's pretty much the only value we have. Men, sadly, never see the light. There is some belief that we have that we make a positive difference or that we are a catalyst for evolution in the right direction. Never ever have been, never ever will be. We are just tricked to believe we will be. But, some men do try to see the light and that healthy pursuit should be cultured but, alas, it isn't and we are not allowed to see anything.

Men are cavemen in every way; physically, mentally, emotionally, you name it. Covered with hair, easily fooled, easily manipulated and quick on the trigger. We eat too much food, make too much noise and add too much smell to the world which women would have smelling of cucumber and lavendar if we weren't around. We never really think things through as it pertains to women because we have no training in that field and we are so confused by their world that we feel we would be better off not knowing how "all that" works. We would just rather think of women as simple creatures, like us. They figure things out the same way we do. Problem=action=solution=no problem. That is what we think the sane mind should think like. As young males, we are told that the only thing we need to do is "be nice to women, be romantic, foreplay, under estimate weight and age, compliment this or that, don't hit on their sister or bestfriend and don't cum too fast" and then you will make them happy and that will solve, or prevent, any problems. That's it. That's all we were told. Many bothans spies died to bring us this information.

Eventually we start to see that this isn't all we need to know and any time we try to figure out what else there is, women shoot us down or other men pull us back from the edge of the great abyssal. Women can sense when a beast is trying to learn and they put a stop to it pretty quickly. Their weapon of choice, confusion and obfuscation. Speaking in tongues and relying heavily on hypocrisy and contradiction which is spread out through a long monologue of incomplete details and dated information. Women are speaking their minds, pretending to be helpful, but secretly knowing that they are short circuiting the male mind and sending them back to the cave. A man's mind is so weak that it's easy to be overwhelmed by all of this information and we quickly lose interest. We just hear the high pitched tone of a woman we used to want sexually and now she's gone and that is left is non-sexiness which has taken over her body . We can't get laid until this speech is over, that is all we are thinking of. Men just need things to be simple and with too much confusion, we fall back on, "It's just easier to do what I was doing before. I have no idea what she is talking about now and I don't want to know. I should just get a hooker" (path of least resistance)

The simple answer to men and what they want; Peace, periodic variety, quiet, space, freedom to screw whatever, whenever without judgment or repercussion, to feel necessary and to not be confused. We are cavemen, a step up from a monkey and we need things pretty simple. Cut and dry. The more complicated the matter, the less likely we are to be interested in it or want to try it. We want to love you. We thought we could. We tried, but you make it hard to figure out who we are in love with.

Women are supposed to be both a graceful and rough character. Sexy and homely. Smart and naive. Stern and gullible. Strong enough to pick a van up off their child and weak enough to flee from a spider in the bathtub. I think women find this balance due in part to their upbringing. Raised against the laws of nature to be little ladies and quiet little wives, they have to dredge through years of unhappiness and failure before the light finally shines on their face. Then, with the balance of power discovered, they become the woman that they wanted to be when they were 5.

Men will always be 5. You women just have pick your model. Keep him quiet and he will do as he is told.