
Color commentary from the forgotten mountains

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Location: The Cave, Kansas, United States

Saturday, May 14, 2005

5 steps away from ruling the world

Everyone is five steps away from ruling the world. They are easy steps and many of you will be surprised to hear what they are. I'm sure that you are probably more surprised that you are only five steps away. "Shouldn't there be more???" No. Just five.

They are...

1. Define your beliefs and believe them without compromise and be able to defend them or kill for them. It helps if you are a failure and have found a way to overcome those failures. It also helps if you are a social outcast and have found a way to make that work for you.

2. Convince weaker minded souls that you are the answer to all of their problems and that only you hold the key to salvation even though you are a failure and a freak. Make them see that you know their pain and that they can overcome it the same way you did.

3. Moblize your followers to action. Churches, armies, business fronts and donut shops. This allows the general public their first glimpse of you and will either bring others into the fold or create a national or worldwide debate over your presence and beliefs thus increasing your notoriety and fame.

4. Release an album. This will test your approval and scope of influence in various markets. Take heed, don't piss off Clearchannel or Viacom.

5. Imprison or "remove" non-believers and rule the world in absolute discomfort that your next move will be your last. Trust no one and never again enjoy a single thing without doubt and anxiety.

There it is. You own the world. Hilter used this, Stalin, The republicans, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Mummahad Al Hadid, Saddam Hussein, Quadhafi, you know them, I don't have to name them.

It would be nice to see less people acting like they are secretly trying to rule the world and actually step and do it. It's a great learning lesson for a lost soul. The belief that if you do things your way, you will be happy without exception. It's not true. The fact that there are things that are not in your control gives us a sense of contentment. We know the water runs in the shower, even though we didn't do it. When it doesn't, we freak, demand(as if we have some say in the matter) to know the reason and when it will be turned back on and why this inconvenience happened to us, DON'T THEY KNOW WHO THEY ARE DEALING WITH????

They sure do.

You are not in control and as Nicole Blackmon once said, "the only reason you are alive is because someone has decided not to kill you". There is merit in that statement. You DO NOT want to be in control, so either stop acting like you do, or step and take the test. See how happy life can be when you are the one that is really responsible for making water flow. See how happy you are educating the world and keeping them from killing each other. I know that this sounds a lot like parenthood, but you won't have the convient arguement of, "don't tell me how to raise my kids or what is best for my kids, I'm their parent." That empty arguement holds no water when you are dealing with this many people.

So.... Whenever you're ready, you're only five steps away....